I have been awarded observing time with the Very large Array to image at high resolution a solar active region over a wide and continuous frequency range (2-12 GHz). The radio data are sensitive both directly to the coronal magnetic field as well as to the coronal plasma that produces the solar EUV flux. This will be the first VLA data set with such complete frequency coverage of an active region.
In order to build a complete picture of the active region, I request a scan with SP in order to generate a vector magnetogram in the photosphere that can be used for a nonlinear force-free extrapolation of coronal fields, and a scan with EIS at a selection of Fe lines in order to build up a spatially-resolved picture of the thermal emission in the corona, and to permit an abundance measurement. Since there is no intent to study time evolution in this project, single scans are all that is required and data volumes are low. KD Leka is likely to be able to help with the SP analysis. |