Main Objective: Statistical investigations on propagating MHD waves in plage regions with Hinode-IRIS coordinated high-cadence observations from several different view angles.
Scientific Justification: MHD waves have been considered to play a key role in heating of the upper solar atmosphere, because they may be thought to transfer the energy from photosphere to the upper solar atmosphere. It is important to observationally estimate the energy flux by MHD waves, and thus it is necessary to identify the mode of waves in order to estimate the energy flux. By using Hinode SOT-SP, we can detect MHD waves and identify the mode of waves at the photosphere. Fujimura & Tsuneta (2009) observed waves in plage regions by using SOT-SP, and found slow sausage mode and kink mode waves dominantly. They found sausage mode mainly near the disk center, whereas kink mode may be more frequently observed at the regions far from the disk center. They commented that kink mode were more easily seen closer to the limb. However, the number of the samples is extremely limited, and they studied MHD waves only in the regions whose view angles are less than 53 degree. Therefore, the regions that are closer to the limb should be observed more frequently. By performing simultaneous high-cadence observations with Hinode SOT/SP and IRIS satellites, we study the behaviors of MHD waves observed at two different atmospheric layers and also estimate the energy flux of the waves at the two layers. From the difference between the energy flux in these layers, we can estimate the energy that is dissipated between the layers. Kanoh et al. (2016) performed observations of a sunspot simultaneously with Hinode SOT/SP and IRIS satellites. They identified the mode of observed waves, estimated the energy flux at the photosphere with SOT-SP and estimated energy flux at a lower transition region with IRIS. As a result, they found that the sufficient energy is dissipated to heat chromosphere in the sunspot. In other regions (e.g. plage and Quiet Sun network), simultaneous observations by Hinode SOT/SP and IRIS satellites are also needed to evaluate the importance of waves in heating of the upper atmosphere. High temporal resolution is required to identify the mode of waves with higher confidence, because the periods of waves in chromosphere are mainly a few minutes. However, High temporal resolution observations coordinated between Hinode/SP and IRIS for wave studies are extremely limited. For these reasons, we would like to perform simultaneous observations coordinated between Hinode SOT/SP and IRIS. High time resolution (less than 30s) is required to observations of the two instruments. The SP scanning field of view is very narrow (3h), which shall be overlapped with the field of view of IRIS observations. For statistical studies, we need to collect samples as much as possible (ten to twenty samples at the minimum) not only at the central region on the solar disk but also at the regions close to the solar limb. Ten to twenty samples of observations should be required for statistical studies. |