IRIS: IRIS observations will consist of two raster scans. Scan (1): a longer 320 step very dense raster for context; and Scan (2): a 64 step raster with 4-sec exposures and three SJI filters at 20-s cadence per filter.
During eclipse season (as is the case with the January 2021 perihelion), during the first orbit of the observation period only Scan (1) should run. For the next orbit, only Scan (2) should run, and it should cycle for the complete orbit. This pattern should be repeated, alternating between odd and even orbits, for each dayfs set of observations. Outside of eclipse season, Scan (1) should run at the start and end of the period, and Scan (2) should run in between.
Additionally, there are two Options available, A and B. For planning purposes the key factor in deciding between these Options is the duration of Scan (1): The Option-A Scan (1) requires about 27 minutes, and the Option-B Scan (1) requires about 34 minutes. During eclipse season, select Option B if it fits within the Scan-(1) orbit; if the Scan(1)-orbit duration is not long enough for Option B, then use Option A instead.
During non-eclipse season please run Option B at the start and end of the observation period (if observation plans allow).
Option A:
Scan (1): Context raster with 4 s exposure time for the spectra, spatial x2, spectral x 2 binning, 3 SJI filters (Si IV, MgII h/k, and MgII w) with 20s cadence.
3620106877 | Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Si IV Mg II h/k M | 1651.84 | 1882.89 | 0.78 | 5.2+/-0.1 | 1652+/-0 | 0.0+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0
Low datarate alternative:
3640106877 | Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Si IV Mg II h/k M | 1624.00 | 1139.47 | 0.48 | 5.1+/-0.1 | 1624+/-0 | 0.0+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0
Scan (2): Observation raster with 4 s exposure time for the spectra, spatial x2, spectral x 2 binning, 3 SJI filters (Si IV, MgII h/k, and MgII w) with 20s cadence.
3620106860 | Very large sparse 64-step raster 63x175 64s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II | 330.37 | 376.58 | 0.78 | 5.2+/-0.1 | 330+/-0 | 0.0+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0
Low datarate alternative:
3640106860 | Very large sparse 64-step raster 63x175 64s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II | 324.80 | 227.89 | 0.48 | 5.1+/-0.1 | 325+/-0 | 0.0+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0
Option B:
Scan (1): Context raster with 4 s exposure time for the spectra, spatial x2, spectral x 2 binning, 3 SJI filters (Si IV, MgII h/k, and MgII w) with 20s cadence.
3620106878 | Very large dense 400-step raster 131.7x175 400s Si IV Mg II h/k M | 2064.80 | 2353.61 | 0.78 | 5.2+/-0.1 | 2065+/-0 | 0.0+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0
Low datarate alternative:
3640106878 | Very large dense 400-step raster 131.7x175 400s Si IV Mg II h/k M | 2030.00 | 1424.33 | 0.48 | 5.1+/-0.1 | 2030+/-0 | 0.0+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0
Scan (2): Observation raster with 4 s exposure time for the spectra, spatial x2, spectral x 2 binning, 3 SJI filters (Si IV, MgII h/k, and MgII w) with 20s cadence.
3620106860 | Very large sparse 64-step raster 63x175 64s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II | 330.37 | 376.58 | 0.78 | 5.2+/-0.1 | 330+/-0 | 0.0+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0 | 20.6+/-0.0
Low datarate alternative:
3640106860 | Very large sparse 64-step raster 63x175 64s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II | 324.80 | 227.89 | 0.48 | 5.1+/-0.1 | 325+/-0 | 0.0+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0 | 20.3+/-0.0
Additional instrument coordination: Ground-based support is expected from Big Bear, Sac Peak, and/or Tenerife. Standard data from SDO will be used, including magnetic field data from HMI. Other instruments TBD. |