Dates: 3/10/2018 - 10/10/2018, 8 days. We would request for re-pointing during the run, as our targets of interest are two types of pores (1) isolated pore in the network and (2) pore in an active region. If possible, we would like to follow the same target throughout the observing run.
Time window: Observations at BBSO starts at 15:00 UT. The requested time window is 3 hours from 15:00- 18:00 UT with SP maps every hour (3 maps) as the cadence of requested SP scan is about 52 minutes. If possible, we would like to extend the observations further to 20:00 UT.
Target(s) of interest: Two types of pores: If present on solar disk, we would prefer to have observations of solar pore either isolated (in a network) or near an active region, or both. A scan should ideally be centered on the pore.
HOP 0287 - M. Verma, C. Denker, F. Böhm, H. Balthasar, C. Fischer, C. Kuckein, et al., 2016, Flow and Magnetic Field Properties in the Trailing Sunspots of Active Region NOAA 12396, Astronomische Nachrichten/Astronomical Notes 337, 1090
HOP 0315 - M. Verma, C. Denker, H. Balthasar, C. Kuckein |