coordinated observing campaing using the Swedish Solar Telescope on La Palma, IRIS and Hinode is scheduled for August 25 - October 3, 2013. Observers at the SST will be from Oslo and LMSAL for this entire period. The goal is to obtain very high cadence, high spatial resolution observations of the photosphere & chromosphere with CRISP to accompany the IRIS spectra and images of the chromosphere and transition region. CRISP data will allow measurement of line profiles for Doppler shifts and polarization for some magnetic field information above the photosphere. Hinode will contribute precise photospheric fields with SOT/SP, magnetogram evolution with SOT/NFI and coronal images and spectra with XRT and EIS.
IRIS will be executing its initial "60-day science plan" throughout most of this time period. The IRIS 60-day plan has a variety of targets: AR sunspot, AR plage, QS, CH, filament on disk, and AR, QS, CH, prominence at the limb. This constitutes 9 different targets. In the 60-day plan these targets are observed repeatedly, but at varying mu angles, usually every few days. The goal should be to get decent datasets for all of these different targets, in order of priority. The exact priority order is to be determined, but limb observations are initially lower priority than disk observations given the extreme difficulty of obtaining good datasets at the limb from the SST.
The best coordination time is from 9 am to noon La Palma time, which is 08 UT to 11 UT. During this La Palma time (8 to 11 UT), IRIS will focus on high cadence runs, such as sit-and-stare, small or medium rasters. The typical observing plan for the 60-day-plan is to dwell on one target for many hours, e.g., an active region, with a variety of shorter (typically 1 hour) observing programs during this time. The IRIS planner would typically schedule large raster scans for context before or after the La Palma time, so that high cadence programs are run during La Palma time. Additional IRIS observations during its SAA-free time (11-17 UT) could be of either type but would remain on the same target, for coordination with Hinode. |