This is a target of opportunity. We ask to observe the cavity over several days with 4-6 hours of observations. We request the IHOP run between 18-22UT so we can use CoMP data. Given the requested exposure times, the solar disk should be relatively quiet so that XRT's CCD does not saturate (outside the FOV).
Polar crown prominences with cavities are ideal targets.
IRIS should be pointed at the prominence and Hinode should be pointed so that EIS is centered on the cavity.
References: Bak-Steslicka et al., ApJL, 2013 Jibben et al., AAS Meeting #224, #323.52., 2013 Kucera et al., ApJ, 2012 Reeves et al., ApJ, 2012 Schmidt et al., ApJL, 2009 van Ballegooijen & Cranmer, ApJ, 2010 van Ballegooijen, ApJ, 2004 van Ballegooijen et al., ApJ, 2007 |