Our objective is to search for magnetic structure at the base of spicules or spicule-like features, including rabid blue-shifted events (RBEs). Specifically, we will look for evidence of bipolar or transient horizontal fields at the bases of on-disk spicule-like features, as suggested by, e.g., Moore et al. (1977; ApJ 218, 286), Sterling et al. (2010, 722, 1644), and Moore et al. (2011; ApJL, 731, 4). This will require high-resolution vector magnetic field data, and high-cadence blue-wing H-alpha for the suspected spicule on-disk counterparts. The target location is to be an on-disk coronal hole or quiet Sun.
In addition, will look for on-disk X-ray jets with XRT, and inspect their magnetic source regions from FG and HMI line-of-sight data.
EIS slot movie data will be used to facilitate co-alignment with SDO/AIA images. Some runs of the HOP will be done con-currently with ground-based observations from BBSO. The HOP however can run independently of ground-based support. |