The proposed EIS study (QUB_HI-CAD_FLARE_2S-EXP_104"x104") comprises 16 repeats of the QUB_HI-CAD_FLARE_V1 raster, totalling approximately 1 hour, and will compliment ROSA and IBIS observations by determining the dynamic response of the upper chromosphere. EIS will provide Doppler and nonthermal velocity maps at the flare footpoints at temperatures higher than what is achievable from the ground. The study comprises many emission lines formed over a broad range of temperatures (0.05-18 MK), including 4 pairs of density sensitive line ratios. It is based on the early CAM_ARTB_RHESSI_* studies which have been successful in diagnosing the chromospheric response during flares, over a broad range of temperatures simultaneously, while preserving the spatial information (Milligan & Dennis 2009, Del Zanna et al. 2011, Milligan 2011; submitted). This study is also a potential candidate for use in response to the EIS flare trigger.
EIS Study Acronym: QUB_HI-CAD_FLARE_2S-EXP_104"x104" TARGET: Flare EXPOSURE TIME: 2s RASTER: Scanning SLIT: 2" STEP SIZE 2" FOV: 104"x104" DURATION: 3.5 mins LINES: He II, O V, O VI, Mg VI, Mg VII, Fe VIII, Fe X, Fe XI, Fe XII (dens. sens. pair), Fe XIII (dens. sens. pair), Fe XIV (dens. sens. pair), Fe XV, Fe XVI, Fe XVII, Ca XV (dens. sens. pair), Fe XXIII, Fe XXIV VOLUME: 18 Mbits: x16 repeats = 300 Mbits/hour = 1200 Mbits/4 hours) |