Chromospheric active phenomena, reconnections, coronal heating process and sunspot evolution that are all related with the solar magnetic field have become more clear by recent MHD simulations and high-resolution observations with the HINODE satellite.
We intend to quantitatively verify the present models of such phenomena by simultaneous and high-cadence observations of diversified observation from the photosphere to the corona with the HINODE satellite and spectrum observation at the Hida Obs.
For example, Hinode has found many and various chromospheric jets (Ca jets). We must verify whether the mechanisms of such jets are all magnetic reconnection (ubiquitous reconnection ?), and investigate the amount of contribution of such jets to the coronal heating process. Therefore, we will measure the 3D distributions & evolutions of the velocity field (bidirectional flow, reconnection flow, shock wave), temperature, density and magnetic field configuration around various type of jets.
On the other hand, Hinode has also found wave-like phenomena in prominences. By adding chromospheric spectral informations, we intend to verify whether such phenomena in the prominences or dark filaments correspond to Alfven waves or fast-mode kink waves, from the point of view of the coronal heating and prominence-seismology.
Moreover, we try to observe wave propagation from the photosphere to corona around sunspot region and investigate relationship between spatial distribution of coronal heating rate and spatial difference of characteristics of oscillation.
To this end, Hida observatory will provide highly complementary data sets to Hinode, i.e., DST will take full spectral line profiles of CaII H,K or H-alpha with a very high time cadence of 1 to 10 sec and a moderately high spatial resolution of 1 arcsec or better. SMART telescope will also take full disk H-alpha Dopplergram with a spatial resolution of 1 arcsec. |