For active regions on the disk: Large coarse 4-step raster (6hx120h FOV), C II 1330 SJI only, 8 second cadence, FUV spectrally rebinned, no spatial binning. If telemetry allows, use full readout (OBSID: 3680259523, 1.6 Mbits/s), otherwise use the flare line list (OBSID: 3660259523, 0.9 Mbits/s). If rolls are allowed, roll perpendicular to the neutral line.
For active regions on the limb: Large sit-and-stare (0.3hx120h FOV) C II 1330 SJI only, 8 second cadence, FUV spectrally rebinned, no spatial binning. If telemetry allows, use full readout (OBSID: 3680259503, 1.6 Mbits/s), otherwise use the flare line list (OBSID: 3660259503, 0.9 Mbits/s). If rolls are allowed, roll perpendicular to limb.
Additional Instrument Coordination VLA, NST, Owens Valley Solar Array