Target: A Target of opportunity - a clearly visible cavity on the solar limb. The associated filament channel must be aligned so that the cavity is likely to remain visible between target selection and observations.
Time Window: We would like to observe promising cavities over a number of days for 4-6 hours at a time, centered around the prime MLSO observing time of 18-22 UT. This would allow us to model the quiescent cavity in three dimensions. In the case of cavity eruption we would observe changes associated with gradual onset of eruption.
Journal Papers: Dove, J., Gibson, S., Rachmeler, L. A., Tomczyk, S., & Judge, P. 2011, ApJ, 731 L1, "A Ring of Polarized Light: Evidence for Twisted Coronal Magnetism in Cavities" Schmit & Gibson 2011 ApJ 733, 1 "Forward Modeling Cavity Density: A Multi-instrument Diagnostic" Schmit, D.J., Gibson, S.E., Tomczyk, S., Reeves, K.K., Sterling, A.C., Brooks, D.H., Williams, D.R., & Tripathi, D. 2009, ApJL, 700, 96 "Large-Scale Flows in Prominence Cavities"
Conference Presentations: Kucera, T. A.; Berger, T. E.; Boerner, P.; Dietzel, M.; Druckmuller, M.; Gibson, S. E.; Habbal, S. R.; Morgan, H.; Reeves, K. K.; Schmit, D. J.; Seaton, D. B. "Space Based Observations of Coronal Cavities in Conjunction with the Total Solar Eclipse of July 2010", AGU Dec. 2010 (used HOP 114 data. Paper planed for future).
Other papers in progress: Reeves et al. Analysis of hot cavity cores with Hinode/XRT data from Summer 2008 Kucera et al. Cavity temperature modeling of Aug. 2007 data using Hinode/EIS data |