For details see HOP 130. A summary is below. EIS study acronym: FULL_SUN_SLOT_SCAN_2 TARGET: Full Sun (multiple pointings) EXPOSURE TIME: 20s RASTER: Scanning SLIT: 40" FOV: 488"x512" DATA COMP: JPEG85 DURATION: ~4h (5.75 min/exposure + pointing stabilization+SAA avoidance, 26 exposures) DATA VOLUME: 364MB (14MBits/exposure, 26 exposures) SPECTRAL WIND.: 13 LINES: He II 256.3, Si VII 275.3, Fe VIII 185.2, Fe XI 180.4, Si X 258.42, S X 264.2, Fe XII 195.1, Fe XIII 202.0, Fe XIII 203.8, Fe XIV 211.36, Fe XIV 274.24, Fe XV 284.1, Fe XVI 262.9
Pointing - 15 spacecraft pointings covering full disk. Two EIS pointings per spacecraft pointing: top and bottom of CCD in order to maximize area and minimize spacecraft pointings.
- This is a complex observation so for full details please check PDF file (hop_130_vX.X.pdf) at SolarSoft directory: $SSW/hinode/eis/idl/atest/ugarte Email Ignacio Ugarte Urra at with any specific questions. |