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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0494

[SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_MCAD_Polar-Observations] Highest latitude Solar Orbiter polar observations coordinated with Hinode

plan term


@ @


 name : Blanco, Strecker @  e-mail : julian.blanco[at]uv.es, streckerh[at]iaa.es

contact person in HINODE team

 name : DeRosa, Shine @  e-mail : derosa[at]lmsal.com, shine[at]lmsal.com

 abstract of observational proposal
Main Objective: The aim of the HOP is to obtain coordinated observations of the solar north pole between SO/PHI-HRT and Hinode/SP while the Solar Orbiter spacecraft reaches the highest latitude of this orbit.

Scientific Justification: The goal of this HOP is to acquire coordinated observations between the High Resolution Telescope (HRT) of the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager of Solar Orbiter (SO/PHI) and the Hinode spectropolarimeter (Hinode/SP), of the solar north pole on October 17-18 2024, during the Remote Sensing Window (RSW) 18 of the Solar Orbiter mission. SO/EUI and SO/SPICE will also support the SOOP from the Solar Orbiter side.

Solar Orbiter will be at a solar latitude of 7.6 deg on 17/18 October 2024, seeing the Sun from the highest latitude of the orbit, while being at 0.46 au from the Sun which yields a spatial resolution of 170 km on the Sun. The longitudinal separation angle between Solar Orbiter and Earth will be -26 deg, while the solar latitude of Earth will be 5.6 deg. This configuration allows to study details of the poles and, with Hinode support, provide two different points to model polar structures.

SO/PHI observations will cover the full period of the polar SOOP RS9_111 running from 22:00 on 17 October until 01:00 UT on 18 October 2024. The SOOP will be split into two observation periods. Solar Orbiter will be pointing to the north pole for the first period from 22:00 UT until 24:00 UT on 17 October. Then, from 00:00 UT until 01:00 UT on 18 October, the pointing will be slightly inside the disk, such that the northern limb can still be seen within the FOV of the high resolution telescopes of the instruments. The SO/PHI-HRT cadence will be variable, ranging from a cadence of 1 min up to a cadence of 30min.

SO/EUI will support the SO/PHI-HRT observations during the first two hours of the SOOP while the pointing is to the north pole, running the HRI-EUV at cadences of 10 seconds.

SO/SPICE will support the whole length of the SOOP with two polar limb rasters. One at the beginning of the pole pointing and the second covering the second pointing.

 request to SOT
Please schedule one full-FOV normal map of the north polar region, in single-side mode.

A suggested program is SP 0x106, which takes 2hr50min and uses approximately 2.4 Gbits of telemetry (on disk). There may be other appropriate programs.

If telemetry is an issue, then an alternate suggested program (full height, but a bit narrower in width) is SP 0x145, which takes 2hr15min and uses approximately 1.8 Gbits of telemetry (on disk).

Pointing: North Pole. See the remarks section below for the URL to the Solar Orbiter pointing webpage. Please ensure that the limb is contained in the field of view.

 request to XRT
Please run the standard polar observation mode:
FoV 384 pix x 384 pix, Binning: 1 x 1, Time resolution: < 1 min.
Exposure time: 16.34 sec, JPEG Quality: Q75
Data rate: 7.6 Mbits/h (one image/1 min)
FoV 384 pix x 384 pix, Binning: 1 x 1, Time resolution: 30 min

 request to EIS
Please run EIS as in Study ID 618 (HOP81_new_study_v2)

 other participating instruments
Co-observations with Solar Orbiter SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_MCAD_Polar-Observations: RS9_111

Dates: 17 and 18 October 2024, co-observations of the north pole with Solar Orbiter while Solar Orbiter sees the highest latitude of the orbit.

Time window: 22:00 UT, 17 October until 01:00 UT, 18 October 2024, 3 hours, as co-observation with SO/PHI-HRT, SO/EUI and SO/SPICE

Target(s) of interest: Polar region: Solar north pole
The exact pointing will be made public via the dedicated Solar Orbiter web page:
Hinode should keep the pointing for the whole three hours at the same position as defined for the first part of the SOOP although Solar Orbiter changes the pointing slightly after two hours within the SOOP.

Previous HOPs:
This HOP is similar to HOP 0470 run in October 2023, with this one being shorter and only run on a single day

Additional remarks:
It will be interesting to run the deep observations of the polar monitoring campaigns (HOP 0081 and HOP 0206) that Hinode/SP performs several times per year, around the time of the SO/PHI observations and with CCD double-sided for improving the signal-to-noise if possible with the constraints (similar to the SP settings for HOP 0461 run on April 24, 2023 and HOP 0470 run in October 2023).

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