Dates: Coordination of Hinode/EIS with SO/SPICE observations taken during a Fast Wind SOOP observation window between 31/03/2024 09:00 UT and 03/04/2024 17:00 UT. Observations during those ~3.5 consecutive days are required to investigate and link composition of a fast solar wind source region using a range of composition diagnostics to plasma detected in situ.
Time window: The SO Fast wind SOOP will run from 31 March @ 09:00 UT until 3 April @ 17:00 UT. SO/SPICE will observe almost continuously throughout this period, so support from Hinode/EIS is desired. In detail, SO/SPICE will observe continuously during these time windows:31/03/2024 @ 09:05 UT - 01/04/2024 @ 05:00 UT; 01/04/2024 @ 06:20 UT - 02/04/2024 @ 07:35 UT; 02/04/2024 @ 10:00 UT - 02/04/2024 @ 19:40 UT; 03/04/2024 @ 00:00 UT - 03/04/2024 @ 08:40 UT; 03/04/2024 @ 10:00 UT - 03/04/2024 @ 16:50 UT.
High-resolution observations by EUI/HRI and PHI/HRT will take place on: 31/03/2024 @ 15:00 - 15:45 UT (PHI high-cadence measurements @ 15:00 - 15:20); 01/04/2024 @ 15:00 - 15:45 UT; 02/04/2024 @ 15:00 - 15:45 UT; 03/04/2024 @ 15:00 - 15:45 UT. Please prioritise these times whenever possible.
Short interruptions allowed, especially during interruptions of SO/SPICE observations (see time windows above).
Target(s) of interest: Upflow regions and jets within an equatorial coronal hole (on-disc). If no equatorial CH is available, observe polar CH or other potential solar wind source. The exact coordinates of SO/SPICE observations will be decided 3 days in advance (on 28/03/2024 at 15:00 UT initially), with the possibility to change the pointing every day during the observing window if needed.
Previous HOPs: No prior HOP submissions as PI.
Additional remarks: Similar to HOP 472 with updated dates/times and observation studies detailed above.
EIS studies have highest priority, so we are willing to sacrifice SOT and/or XRT observations if there is a possibility of additional telemetry for those observations. If possible keep SOT and XRT observations during 31/03/2024 15:00 - 15:20 UT as this is the only interval where SO/PHI cadence is increased to 2.5 min instead of 45 min.
Note that the interruption of SO/SPICE observations between 2 April @ 19:40 UT - 3 April @ 00:00 UT is an interruption of our Fast Wind SOOP. However, another SOOP (Major Flare SOOP) will be run in that window, so SPICE will observe in different modes. As that SOOP is not coordinated by us, we assume that the Major Flare SOOP coordinator will request Hinode support separately, if required. |