1. THMF study: BFI Ca II H: FOV 55hx111h, 2x2 sum, 30 sec cadence, Q75 -> 130Mbit/1H Gb: FOV 55hx111h, 2x2 sum, 3min cadence, Q75 -> 56Mbit/1H
NFI Fe 5250 Sh-less IQUV (-60mA offset): FOV 50hx81h, 2x2 sum, 30 sec cadence, Q75 -> ~170Mbit/1H
SOT-SP Fast map, FOV 5"x82" (32 slit pos, 2x2 sum), 60s cadence, 2 side CCDs-> 600Mbit/1H
Note: The offset for NFI should be optimized for the detection of THMFs, and we need a test-run program to decide the suitable offset before the campaign. Our priority is BFI and NFI for the duration which we specified above, and at the beginning of the observation please run SP simultaneously as long as the telemetry permits. When the telemetry is not enough, decrease of the time cadence for BFI Ca and NFI up to 50 sec would also be available.
2. Alfven wave study BFI/ Ca II H: FOV 55hx111h, 2x2 sum, 1 min cadence, Q75 -> 70 Mbits/hour G-band: FOV 55hx111h, 2x2 sum, 1 min cadence, Q75 -> 100 Mbits/hour NFI: Na I D 5896 IV (-160mA offset): FOV 55hx111h, 2x2 sum, 1 min cadence, Q75 -> 60 Mbits/hour
SP: Fast map, FOV 5hx82h (16 slit positions), 1min cadence, Q75-> 600Mbit/hour
Note: SP performs a repeated scan with high time cadence. 1 minfs scan is necessary for us to detect Alfven waves. We would also like to take BFI (CaII and G-band) and NFI (Na I D 5896) images, which are necessary for alignment with IBIS. Duration of the observation should be 1 hour or more. If the program described above reaches the telemetry limitation, decrease the time cadence of FG in all the lines. |