- Run the following EIS raster twice. EIS Study ID = 588 [ PCH_SNS_2x512] Study duration of a single run: ~29 min/run Type of observation: sit & stare sequence run Exposure duration: 45 sec Compression: JPEG85
- Run the following EIS wide-slot study once at the same pointing to record the EIS FOV after the 2nd raster. EIS Study ID = 494 [ XRT_synop_AIA ]
- Time of raster run and EIS pointing target: 2019 Dec 26 02:57-03:26 UT + 03:27-03:56 UT, Pointing (X, Y) = ( +100", roughly -1150") 2019 Dec 26 05:48-06:17 UT + 06:18-06:47 UT, Pointing (X, Y) = ( -100", roughly -1150")
( 2020 MMM DD HH:MM-HH:MM UT ) for the future runs |