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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0491

[SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_LCAD_Composition-vs-Height] Tracking the composition at limb

plan term


@ @


 name : Giunta, Grundy @  e-mail : alessandra.giunta[at]stfc.ac.uk; tim.grundy[at]stfc.ac.uk

contact person in HINODE team

 name : Savage, Watanabe, De Pontieu, Matthews/Culhane @  e-mail : sabrina.savage[at]nasa.gov, watanabe.tetsuya[at]nao.ac.jp, bdp[at]lmsal.com

 abstract of observational proposal
Main Objective: The main goal is to map the abundance of minor ions as a function of height from the solar limb using IRIS, SPICE and EIS to cover a larger range of temperatures, including chromospheric, transition region and coronal lines on disk close to limb and at limb, and tracking coronal lines out of limb.

Scientific Justification:
The use of multi-spectrometer observations which cover different ranges of temperatures in the solar atmosphere will allow to track the composition through the different layers and also at and out of limb, and to identify empirically where the fractionation happens. This is very important in order to distinguish between slow and fast wind.

 request to SOT

 request to XRT

 request to EIS
EIS studies would ideally run together with SPICE study defined by the
R_SMALL_HRES_LCAD_Composition-vs-Height SOOP, limb flavour.
This SOOP will run on 24-25 October 2024 pointing at limb as seen from Solar Orbiter, but it will be close to the Earth-Sun line. The precise pointing will be decided on 21/10/2024 and communicate through the Solar Orbiter ESA confluence page (see link in Remarks).

SPICE will do the following:
- Spectral Atlas on 24/10/2024 14:41-17:28
- Composition map on 24/10/2024 17:29-21:15
- Composition map on 24-25/10/2024 21:15-01:04
- Composition map on 25/10/2024 01:05-04:51
- Spectral Atlas on 25/10/2024 04:55-07:42

EIS Requests:
- Atlas_120 ID 405, 1 repeat during the first SPICE Spectral Atlas
- Atlas_180 ID 620, 1 repeat during each of the first two SPICE Composition maps
- Atlas_120 ID 405, 1 repeat during the last SPICE Spectral Atlas

 other participating instruments
IRIS requests:
Standard IRIS support as been requested through Solar Orbiter coordination.

Solar Orbiter [SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_LCAD_Composition-vs-Height] and IRIS

Dates: The start date is 24/10/2024 and the end date is 25/10/2024, as this is requested as coordinated observation with the Solar Orbiter R_SMALL_HRES_LCAD_Composition-vs-Height SOOP, which will run on those days. The required observation days are two, as explained in details in the "EIS requests" section.

Time window: The start date and time is 24/10/2024 14:41 and the end date and time is 25/10/2024 07:42. The ideal and minimum duration are specified in the "EIS requests" and "Remarks" sections.

Target(s) of interest: The target is limb. The pointing will be specified on 21/10/2024.

Previous HOPs: HOP482

Additional remarks:
The precise target coordinates on 24 and 25 October 2024 will be known on 21 October 2024 and communicate through
https://issues.cosmos.esa.int/solarorbiterwiki/display/SOSP/Solar+Orbiter+Planning+-+for+coordination+with+external+parties. If there is a lack of telemetry available for EIS, one of the instances of Atlas_180 could be removed. One of the instances of Atlas_120 could also be removed if necessary.

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