・High cadence exposures (25 sec cadence) is required with a single filter for identifying occurrence of tiny nanoflaring activitivities - Filter: Al/poly, 23 sec exposure time - Field of view 192“ (EW) x 192“ (NS), Unbinned, which still covers the entire SOT field of view. * Note: XRT – SOT/BFI offset (EW, NS)= (-40”, -27”) - Compression: Q98 (3.8bits/pix) [option: Q95 (2.6bits/pix)] ・Full FOV G-band image (containing the limb in FOV) for accurate co-alignment with SOT - Frame: 1Kx1K (2Kx2K, 2x2 summing) - Cadence: once every one hour - Compression: Q98 (4.5bits/pix), same as the Q factor used in coalignment run ・Telemetry estimate 17.7Mbits/hour (for 192”x192”, Q95) 23.5 Mbits/hour (for 192”x192”, Q98) |