HINODE Operation Plan (HOP) |
accepted on |
15-sep-2022 |
HOP No. |
HOP title | |
HOP 0444 |
plan term |
2022/10/03-2022/10/13 |
@ | @ |
proposer |
name : | Labrosse, Schmieder, Peat | @ | e-mail : | Nicolas.Labrosse[at]glasgow.ac.uk, brigitte.schmieder[at]obspm.fr |
contact person in HINODE team |
name : | Matthews, Culhane | @ | e-mail : | sarah.matthews[at]ucl.ac.uk, j.culhane[at]ucl.ac.uk |
abstract of observational proposal | |
request to SOT | |
request to XRT | |
request to EIS | |
other participating instruments | |
remarks | |