Summary: The Rapid Acquisition Imaging Spectrograph Experiment (RAISE) sounding rocket payload is a high speed scanning-slit imaging spectrograph designed to observe the dynamics and heating of the solar chromosphere and corona on time scales as short as 100-200 ms, with 1-2 arcsec spatial resolution and a velocity sensitivity of ~2 km/s. The first flight of RAISE is scheduled for Aug. 23, 2010 (Flight 36.219 US), and will focus on the study of high frequency, small-scale dynamics of active region structure, connection between constantly emerging and evolving magnetic structures, and intensity fluctuations measured in the higher atmosphere in coordination with SDO and Hinode.
During the rocket flight RAISE will operate with a 30 second cadence, with a 6 x 8 arcmin FOV and ~2 arcsec resolution. The primary emission lines that are observed originate in the chromospheric and transition region (e.g., Ly-alpha, C IV, Ne VIII, Si II). |