Prominences are chromospheric plasma in the corona supported by coronal magneticfield lines. Generally it is difficult to detect the small-scale behavior of coronalmagnetic fields. However, since prominence materials visualized magnetic field lines,we can know the motion of coronal field lines by observing prominence fine threads.
Recently high-resolution observations by such as Hinode/SOT have shown small scale osciilations in prominence threads (Okamoto et al. 2007; Lin et al 2009). These are thought to be propagating/standing waves along coronal magnetic field lines.
The propagation of waves in the corona is an important candidate to heat the corona, and the behavior must be investigated more. The coordinated observation of Hinode/SOT and IRIS provides information about vector velocity of prominence threads, and we can know the properties of waves and derive further physical aspects e.g., the wave mode.
In addition, these observations are also useful for considering where prominence mass comes from and goes to (with SDO/AIA images: Liu et al. 2012; Berger et al. 2012). |