- The ToV event schedule (UT): views from Hinode (with orbital elms as of 2012/3/24) :
UTC P V AD SD_Sun SD_Ven AZI ZD 2012 June 5-6 h m s deg deg " " " deg deg
1st 22 15 46.9 39.58 193.89 974.60 945.70 28.90 103.7 121.2 2nd 22 29 53.4 36.50 249.09 916.80 945.70 28.90 275.8 113.2 min 1 2 43.4 358.19 48.32 548.99 945.72 28.90 73.0 74.5 max 2 0 54.7 330.82 229.89 583.64 945.70 28.90 293.4 88.7 min 2 16 42.3 324.54 277.53 582.46 945.72 28.90 275.0 63.0 3rd 4 37 20.7 292.74 39.22 916.77 945.67 28.90 71.5 106.7 4th 4 49 59.5 291.30 86.46 974.56 945.66 28.90 104.3 121.0
- The relative speed on the Sun disk is about 240 arcsec/hour (~ 0.067 arcsec/sec).
- During the transit time, the diameter of the Sun is 1891.4 arcseconds and that of Venus is 57.8 arcseconds.
- The data recorder (DR) should be empty prior to the onset of the transit observations, so that the maximum amount of transit data can be obtained. Also, quick release for the media becomes possible. Therefore uploads for the period(s) prior to the transit should be managed with this in mind.
- Prior to contact I and after contact IV, SOT's FOV should be positioned at the contact latitudes, and as far off the limb as allowed by the SOT/CT (typically FOV centered 15'' inside the limb). This will allow attempts for observations of the Venusian aureole outside of the solar disk.
- Note: Hinode Night period (as of March 21) XTW_EXIT : 2012/06/05.20:53:00 ; XTW_ENTRY : 2012/06/05.22:01:30 ; NGT_ENTRY : 2012/06/05.22:07:00 ; NGT_EXIT : 2012/06/05.22:26:00 ; XTW_EXIT : 2012/06/05.22:31:30 ; XTW_ENTRY : 2012/06/05.23:40:00 ; NGT_ENTRY : 2012/06/05.23:45:00 ; NGT_EXIT : 2012/06/06.00:04:30 ; XTW_EXIT : 2012/06/06.00:10:00 ; XTW_ENTRY : 2012/06/06.01:18:30 ; NGT_ENTRY : 2012/06/06.01:23:30 ; NGT_EXIT : 2012/06/06.01:43:00 ; XTW_EXIT : 2012/06/06.01:48:30 ; XTW_ENTRY : 2012/06/06.02:57:00 ; NGT_ENTRY : 2012/06/06.03:02:00 ; NGT_EXIT : 2012/06/06.03:21:30 ; XTW_EXIT : 2012/06/06.03:27:00 ; XTW_ENTRY : 2012/06/06.04:35:30 ; NGT_ENTRY : 2012/06/06.04:40:30 ; NGT_EXIT : 2012/06/06.05:00:00 ; XTW_EXIT : 2012/06/06.05:05:30 ;
- Note: Hinode Night period (as of May 26) Delta from March 21 times.
XTW_EXIT   : 2012/06/05.20:52:30 ; -00:30 XTW_ENTRY  : 2012/06/05.22:01:00 ; -00:30 NGT_ENTRY  : 2012/06/05.22:06:00 ; -01:00 NGT_EXIT   : 2012/06/05.22:25:30 ; -00:30 XTW_EXIT   : 2012/06/05.22:31:00 ; -00:30 XTW_ENTRY  : 2012/06/05.23:39:30 ; -00:30 NGT_ENTRY  : 2012/06/05.23:44:30 ; -00:30 NGT_EXIT   : 2012/06/06.00:04:00 ; -00:30 XTW_EXIT   : 2012/06/06.00:09:30 ; -00:30 XTW_ENTRY  : 2012/06/06.01:18:00 ; -00:30 NGT_ENTRY  : 2012/06/06.01:23:00 ; -00:30 NGT_EXIT   : 2012/06/06.01:42:30 ; -00:30 XTW_EXIT   : 2012/06/06.01:48:00 ; -00:30 XTW_ENTRY  : 2012/06/06.02:56:30 ; -00:30 NGT_ENTRY  : 2012/06/06.03:01:30 ; -00:30 NGT_EXIT   : 2012/06/06.03:21:00 ; -00:30 XTW_EXIT   : 2012/06/06.03:26:00 ; -01:00 XTW_ENTRY  : 2012/06/06.04:35:00 ; -00:30 NGT_ENTRY  : 2012/06/06.04:40:00 ; -00:30 NGT_EXIT   : 2012/06/06.04:59:30 ; -00:30 XTW_EXIT   : 2012/06/06.05:04:30 ; -01:00 XTW_ENTRY  : 2012/06/06.06:13:30 ; NGT_ENTRY  : 2012/06/06.06:18:30 ;
[Timeline below reflects the new, May 26, times.] [Contact times in timeline below based on Soma-san predictions No. 347, 30-May-2012]
Detailed Timeline:
Program definitions: The timeline below repeats a few basic programs. Here we define those programs, and below we include them in the overall timeline. ----------------
SOT Program 1: This is run beginning between Contacts 1 and 2 when Hinode emerges from s/c night, and continuing for ~15 min after Contact 2. Focus is variable and not optimal for several minutes following emergence from s/c night:
BFI filter cycle w/ focusing. 2k x 2k 2x2 summing, Q 85 compression: aureole study. Ca H 396.8 nm (publicity image) CN 388.5 nm Blue continuum 450.5 nm (focus change(?)) Green continuum 550.5 nm Red continuum 668.4 nm
Cadence: estimated 6-8 seconds between images.
SOT Program 2: Sequence of BFI and NFI images, and an SP study. To be run when Venus is on-disk. This consists of three sub-programs:
o Program 2a: A cycle of six BFI filters: CN, Ca, CH, blue continuum, green continuum, red continuum. FOV=218''x109'', 2x2 binning. If run once every 320 sec, this set of 6 images requires --> ~420 Mbits for 1 hour run. In the timeline we can run it once every 180 sec; over the 246 min in the timeline alloted to Program 2a, this then uses an estimated total of ~3.1Gbits.
o Program 2b: A scan of the NFI Na I D line, including continuum near the line. Based on a similar scan of 2010.12.04 14:14 UT, propose: step= 80mA, offset -504 to 456 mA, # steps = 13. Use FOV=218''x109'', 2x2 binning. These 13 images --> ~ 83 Mbits for a one-set sequence. This program is to be run once, maximum (TBD).
o Program 2c: (From Katsukawa-san.) SP normal map at a fixed slit position (sit-and-stare).
- # slit positions: 1 - step size: 1 - # cycles: 6 (4.6sec integration) - extract table: 10 (768pix, ~120" along the slit, twice the size of Venus) - scan sum: no (normal map) - spatial bin: 1 (no summing) - CCD both sides (for reducing dI/dt noise) - scaling: I only - repeat ON - compression: Q75
It is estimated to take ~15mins for the passage of Venus across the fixed slit; this SP program should be run for 30 mins. It consumes telemetry of 640Mbits for the 30mins scan. It can be run once or twice. If it is necessary to reduce telemetry usage of this Program 2c, the following options can be considered:
(1) Use deeper integration (4.8sec->9.6sec) (2) Reduction of JPEG (Q75 -> Q65) (3) Reduction of FOV along slit (120" -> 80")
o In the timeline below, there are four time slots with SOT Program 2 (beginning respectively at 22:45, 23:45, 03:02, and 04:20 UT), covering a total duration of 246 min. Running 2a approximately once every 180 sec requires ~3.1Gbits. Running 2b once requires ~83 Mbits. Running 2c twice requires 1.3Gbits. In total then, SOT Program 2 requires 3.1+0.1+1.3 ~4.5Gbits. Can reduce use of 2a if necessary to save telemetry.
SOT Program 3: This is run from ~17 before Contact 3, continuing for about 3 min after Contact 3 when Hinode enters s/c night; use highest resolution:
BFI filter cycle 2k x 2k 1x1 (no summing), Q 95: high-resolution and high-cadence aureole study. (focus change(?)) CN 388.5 nm (repeated five times) (focus change(?)) Blue continuum 450.5 nm (repeated one time) Ca H 396.8 nm (repeated one time; publicity image)
Cadence: estimated 8-10 seconds between images.
Details of the above programs will be tweaked by the SOT CO (Ted Tarbell) as the upload plan is being developed, based on the latest testing of elements of the code that help to refine telemetry usage and other factors.
XRT Program 1: Imaging in Al-mesh and Ti-poly. Deep-as-feasible exposures. Subfield of 2x2 (Ti-Poly) or 4x4 (Al-Mesh) binning. Dark frames. This program is used when Venus is outside the limb.
XRT Program 2: Imaging in Ti-Poly; some Al-Mesh images also likely. Deep-as-feasible exposures. Subfield of 2x2 (Ti-Poly) or 4x4 (Al-Mesh) binning. Dark frames. This program is used when Venus is on-disk.
Above programs likely to use 384x384 FOV. Also there should be 512x512 FOV Ti-Poly images at fairly-regular cadence for publicity.
Details of the above program will be tweaked by the XRT CO (Taro Sakao) as the upload plan is being developed.
EIS Program 1: Non-disk observations (pre-contact I and post-contact IV); Acronym - SI_Venus_slit Slit observation for Full CCD. Exposure 300 sec, 2 arcsec slit, 256 arcsec slit direction Sit & Stare. data rate=21.94 kBits/s, total 5min39sec
EIS Program 2: On-disk observations; Acronym - SI_Venus_slot_v1 Exposure 20sec, 40 arcsec slit, 256 arcsec slit direction scan range 200 arcsec data rate= 32.27 kBits/s, total 2min40sec
EIS Program 3: non-disk observations Acronym - SI_Venus_slot_v2 Exposure 100sec, 40 arcsec slit, 256 arcsec slit direction scan range 2-- arcsec data rate= 7.29 Kbits/s, total 3min56sec
------------------------- ------------------------- ToO Observation Timeline: -------------------------
------------------ - 20:52:30 XTW_EXIT Start ToV Obs
Pointing = (-710,590)+offset. NE Limb. R=923.1''
No observation.
Target: (d), (e), (f) deep exposure
Program: XRT Program 1.
Target: (f) deep exposure
Program: EIS Program 3 at the start, followed by repeated runs of Program 1, and one Program 3 run at the end. Run repeats of Program 1 as much as telemetry allows, but be sure to include runs of Program 3 at the start and end of the period.
------------------ - 22:01:00 XTW_ENTRY
No observation
------------------ - 22:06:00 NGT_ENTRY
No observation
** - 22:15:18.6 ToV First Contact; Hinode in night. **
------------------ - 22:25:30 NGT_EXIT Between contacts 1 and 2.
Pointing: Unchanged from before
Target: (a), (b), (h)
Program: SOT Program 1, cont. Note: SOT needs focus considerations during this early post-night period.
No observation
No observation
** - 22:28:57.9 ToV Second Contact. **
------------------ - 22:31:00 XTW_EXIT Venus on disk.
Pointing: Unchanged from before.
Target: (a), (b), (h)
Program: SOT Program 1, cont. Need good focus for press release.
Target: (d)
Program: XRT Program 2.
Target: (f)
Program: EIS Program 2.
------------------ - 22:44:30 Change Hinode Pointing Venus on disk.
Pointing = (-520,546)+offset; Disk Pointing 1.
Target: (c), (h)
Program: SOT Program 2.
Target: (d)
Program: XRT Program 2, cont.
Target: (f)
Program: EIS Program 2, cont.
------------------ - 23:39:30 XTW_ENTRY
Pointing: Unchanged from before
Target: (c), (h)
Program: SOT Program 2, cont.
No observation
No observation
------------------ - 23:44:30 NGT_ENTRY
No observation
------------------ - 00:04:00 NGT_EXIT
Pointing: Unchanged from before
No observation
------------------ - 00:09:30 XTW_EXIT
Pointing: = (-137,536)+offset; Disk Pointing 2.
Target: (c), (g), (h). * SOT Obs start at 00:15, following focus stabilization.
Program: SOT Program 2, cont.
Target: (d)
Program: XRT Program 2, cont.
Target: (f)
Program: EIS Program 2, cont.
------------------ - 01:18:00 XTW_ENTRY
Pointing: Unchanged from before
Target: (c), (g), (h)
Program: SOT Program 2, cont.
No observation
No observation
------------------ - 01:23:00 NGT_ENTRY
No observation
------------------ - 01:42:30 NGT_EXIT
Pointing: Unchanged from before
No observation
------------------ - 01:48:00 XTW_EXIT
Pointing: = (255,527)+offset; Disk Pointing 3.
Target: (c), (h). * SOT Obs start at 01:53, following focus stabilization. *
Program: SOT Program 2, cont.
Target: (d)
Program: XRT Program 2, cont.
Target: (f)
Program: EIS Program 2, cont.
------------------ - 02:56:30 XTW_ENTRY
Pointing: Unchanged from before
Target: (c), (h)
Program: SOT Program 2, cont.
No observation
No observation
------------------ - 03:01:30 NGT_ENTRY
No observation
------------------ - 03:21:00 NGT_EXIT
Pointing: Unchanged from before
No observation
------------------ - 03:26:00 XTW_EXIT
Pointing: = (623,523)+offset; Disk Pointing 4.
Target: (c), (h). * SOT Obs start at 03:32, following focus stabilization. *
Program: SOT Program 2, cont.
Target: (d)
Program: XRT Program 2, cont.
Target: (f)
Program: EIS Program 2, cont.
------------------ - 04:20:00 Pointing change.
Pointing: = (750,540)+offset; NW limb. Limb at R=924.1''
Target: (a), (b), (h).
Program: SOT Program 3.
Target: (d)
Program: XRT Program 2, cont.
Target: (f)
Program: EIS Program 2, cont.
------------------ - 04:35:00 XTW_ENTRY
Pointing: Unchanged from before
Target: (a), (b), (h)
Program: SOT Program 3, cont.
No observation
No observation
** - 04:36:29.6 ToV Third Contact. **
------------------ - 04:40:00 NGT_ENTRY
No observation
** - 04:48:56.5 ToV Fourth Contact. **
------------------ - 04:59:30 NGT_EXIT
No observation
------------------ - 05:04:30 XTW_EXIT
Pointing: Unchanged from before
No observation.
Target (d), (e), (f) deep exposure
Program: XRT Program 1.
Target (f) deep exposure
Program: EIS Program 3 at the start, followed by repeated runs of Program 1, and one Program 3 run at the end. Run repeats of Program 1 as much as telemetry allows, but be sure to include runs of Program 3 at the start and end of the period.
------------------ - 06:13:30 XTW_ENTRY
End of ToV observations.