IRIS: We request OBS ID 3820104086: Large sparse 16-step raster with 16s exposure time, 1335/1400/2796/wings slit-jaw (12s cadence, total 50s). This study should be run as many times as possible during the observing window.
BBSO: BFI: G-band images to allow co-alignment between the BBSO observations and SDO/HMI and SDO/AIA.
VIS: H-alpha line observing all 11 line positions at the highest possible observing cadence. If very good seeing conditions, use the full field-of-view, for average seeing conditions use 0, +/-0.4 and +/-0.8A to allow good coverage of the line.
NIRIS: Full field-of-view using the Fe I 1565 nm doublet to measure the Stokes I, Q, U and V. |