Dates: 2019 Dec 26. Time window: The times for the contacts from the ground location in India are as follows: C1 2:37; C2: 4:00:07; C3: 4:03:22; C4: 5:44 UTC
It is desired to have full-disk images in, or as close as possible to, the C2-C3 time window (04:00:07 - 04:03:22 UTC, 26 Dec 2019). We understand that an exact overlap with this time window may not be possible due to partial-eclipses from Hinode, etc. But the full-disk synoptic sequence should be taken as close as possible to that time period.
Target(s) of interest: Full-disk X-ray Sun. Previous HOPs: Selected examples: HOP 209. (Transit of Venus; resulted in public outreach movies, posters, etc.) HOP 339. (Data from that HOP were used in Hanaoka et al. 2018, ApJ, 860, 142.) HOP 303. (Transit of Mercury 2016; resulted in public outreach movies. HOP 388. (Transit of Mercury 2019; resulted in public outreach press release.) |