OBSERVATIONS: Please run FLAREDOP_EIS (ID# 472) four times in succession (3 h, 44 m), with tracking, on a suitable active region (one with a reasonable probability of flaring) daily for one week. The data volume of FLAREDOP_EIS is 168.5 Mbits. The EIS CO should select the target active region, and broadcast the selection to the XRT, SOT, IRIS, and CDS planners so they can make appropriate plans for coordinated observations as early as possible. For context please also run the EIS slot study 353 (PRY_slot_context_v3, data volume of 4.9 Mbits) before the start of the first run of FLAREDOP_EIS, and again after the end of its last run during a given series of runs. We request XRT and SOT observations of the same active region observed by EIS, IRIS, and CDS, with fields of view that cover nearly the entire active region. The EIS (184 arcsec) and IRIS (175 arcsec) slit segments proposed for this investigation are similar, so we request fields of view about 3 arcmin by 3 arcmin for both SOT and XRT. From SOT we request longitudinal magnetograms and Ca II images at 1 minute cadence. From XRT we request 20 s cadence in each of 3 filters that provide the broadest possible temperature coverage, including flare temperatures around 10 MK.
Please run FLAREDOP_EIS (ID# 472) four times in succession (3 h, 44 m), with tracking, on a suitable active region (one with a reasonableprobability of flaring) daily for one week. For context please also run the EIS slot study 353 (PRY_slot_context_v3, data volume of 4.9 Mbits) before the start of the first run of FLAREDOP_EIS, and again after the end of its last run during a given series of runs. A different region can be selected each day. |