Dates: Target of Opportunity (ToO).
Time window: Although coronal jets are fairly common features, with an occurrence rate of about 60/day in polar coronal holes (Savcheva, A., et al. 2007, PASJ, 59S, 771S), the timing and location of their occurrence cannot be determined with certitude beforehand. Accordingly, we will select and target promising locations, and continue the observations for as long as practical for the given observation plan. A minimum time period would be four hours, while six hours (or longer) is desirable.
Target(s) of interest: An on-disk target is required, preferably within 45 degrees from the solar disk center to have minimal projection effects (Falconer, D. A. et al. 2016, ApJL, 833, L31). This program is designed for quiet Sun or on-disk coronal hole targets.
Previous HOPs: HOP 339. (Data from that HOP were used in Hanaoka et al. 2018, ApJ, 860, 142.)
Additional remarks: This program will be ran upon request. (The first time is expected to be during Sanjiv Tiwarifs next turn as SOT CO in late November 2020.) The primary required observations are those from SOT, IRIS, and XRT. EIS observations are optional, but request that they be included if telemetry and planning priorities allow. |