HOP No. |
HOP title |
HOP 0073 |
CORE Too: Quiescent Prominence Structure and Dynamics |
HOP 0078 |
Too: Study of OScillatory Magneto-Convection in Umbral Dots |
HOP 0087 |
Too: Structure and dynamics of penumbral filaments |
HOP 0096 |
CORE: Too: Characterizing Coronal Outflows in and Around Active Regions |
HOP 0100 |
CORE: Too: AR engineering test |
HOP 0102 |
Too: Helioseismology Observations of Sunspots with SOT |
HOP 0113 |
Too: Spicule Seismology (AR) |
HOP 0114 |
Too: Coordinated Diagnostics of Coronal Cavities |
HOP 0121 |
CORE: The Transition Corona |
HOP 0123 |
Global coronal waves watch |
HOP 0129 |
CORE: ToO: Survey of Active Region Phenomena Associated with Micro-Type III Bursts |
HOP 0131 |
CORE: ToO: Helioseismology Observations of Coronal Hole with SOT |
HOP 0133 |
Joint observation with SST - I. fine structures in sunspot, II. type-II spicule- |
HOP 0139 |
CORE Too: Study on prominence formation and evolution by emerging flux |
HOP 0141 |
Velocity flows in quiet sun magnetic loop footpoints |
HOP 0142 |
Center-to-limb observation to study the dynamics of magnetic-hydrodynamic waves between the photosphere and the corona with SOT and EIS |
HOP 0145 |
EIS/XRT cross-calibration |
HOP 0147 |
Formation and Decay of Sunspot Penumbrae |
HOP 0150 |
CORE: Flows during a filament eruption |
HOP 0156 |
Search for High frequency oscillations and diagnostics of coronal loops |
HOP 0157 |
HOP from ISSI group on Chromospheric Flares |
HOP 0158 |
EIS Multi-line Observations of Solar Flares and Active Regions |
HOP 0160 |
ToO: Long-term evolution of AR from flux emergence through decay |
HOP 0175 |
Nature of propagating waves in polar coronal holes as seen with EIS and AIA |
HOP 0177 |
Magnetic structures within coronal holes |
HOP 0180 |
Dynamics and physical properties of large scale coronal waves ("EIT waves") |
HOP 0181 |
ToO: The role of solar convection in the formation of active regions |
HOP 0182 |
Comparison of the horizontal velocity fields measured on HINODE and SDO observations over the Sun surface |
HOP 0183 |
Long-term dynamics of prominences |
HOP 0186 |
Mass loading of quiescent prominences from multi-wavelength observations |
HOP 0188 |
Joint Solar Flare Observations with ROSA and IBIS |
HOP 0195 |
CORE: ToO: Quiet Sun and facular regions properties. Coordinated observations with SST/DOT |
HOP 0201 |
CME Heating and Current Sheets |
HOP 0202 |
Driving Mechanism of Super-Sonic Flows in the Chromosphere around a Sunspot |
HOP 0204 |
Tracking the outflows from the Sun into interplanetary space using Hinode EIS and Proba-2 SWAP |
HOP 0207 |
Study of the Rela7onship between a CME and a Coronal (EIT) Wave |
HOP 0208 |
Energy exchange between the photosphere and corona |
HOP 0211 |
Hot plasma on]and off]disk in non]flaring AR with Hinode and SUMER |
HOP 0217 |
Determination of the properties of families of solar granules and formation of the photospheric network |
HOP 0220 |
Flows Near Active Region Neutral Lines |
HOP 0227 |
On-Disk Observations of Jet Features |
HOP 0228 |
EUV/Xray jets from coronal holes and active regions and the origin of the solar wind |
HOP 0232 |
On-Disk Coronal Hole Jet Observations |
HOP 0241 |
CO: Coordinated Observations Between EIS and IRIS |
HOP 0245 |
Joint IRIS/Hinode observations of small flares and micro-flares |
HOP 0251 |
Spectropolarimetry of flares |
HOP 0254 |
Prominence dynamics |
HOP 0256 |
A study on the plasma properties of EIT waves from multi-wavelength observations |
HOP 0260 |
Understanding the Formation, Heating, and Initiation of Magnetic Flux Rope |
HOP 0261 |
Formation and oscillation of active region filaments |
HOP 0263 |
Joint Flare Observations in Support of DST Service Mode Operations with ROSA, IBIS and FIRS |
HOP 0264 |
Magnetic Structure, Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Prominence-Cavity Systems |
HOP 0265 |
Searching for Non-Maxwellian Distributions with Comp-S |
HOP 0266 |
Small-scale reconnection in coronal hole plumes |
HOP 0267 |
The footpoints of sunspot plumes and fan loops |
HOP 0268 |
Transition region and coronal response to MMFs |
HOP 0269 |
Prominence-Coronal Cavity Systems: Cyclic Mass Transport and Magnetic Flux Emergence |
HOP 0271 |
High cadence study of sunspot light bridgesf activity |
HOP 0272 |
Observation to Identify MHD Waves |
HOP 0279 |
Long Duration Coronal Hole Observation |
HOP 0281 |
Coordinated quiet-Sun nanoflare investigations with NuSTAR |
HOP 0282 |
Coordinated active region DEM investigations with NuSTAR |
HOP 0283 |
Coordinated observations with NuSTAR of high coronal sources |
HOP 0294 |
Interchange Reconnection and Flows from Coronal Hole Boundaries |
HOP 0297 |
Coordinated flare observations with the Jansky Very Large Array |
HOP 0302 |
Pore Study to Search for MHD Waves |
HOP 0306 |
Short-term Active Region Evolution |
HOP 0307 |
Long-term Active Region Evolution |
HOP 0312 |
Magnetic field in and around explosive granules |
HOP 0313 |
A Search Chromospheric Manifestation of Ubiquitous Photospheric Jets |
HOP 0332 |
Active region jet studies with Hinode and IRIS |
HOP 0335 |
Observation-Driven Modelling of Solar Phenomena |
HOP 0341 |
Hinode-IRIS coordinated observations of MHD waves in plage regions at various places on the solar disk |
HOP 0343 |
Searching for Non-Maxwellian Distributions with EIS and IRIS (without COMP): Coordinated observations of Fe XII off-limb |
HOP 0345 |
Spinning Plasma in Long-Lived Coronal Cavities |
HOP 0347 |
Long period pulsations of plasma velocity and density in loops |
HOP 0348 |
Collaboration with NuSTAR: Hard X-rays across the solar cycle |
HOP 0349 |
XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum |
HOP 0361 |
Measuring high time cadence dynamics in an active region |
HOP 0367 |
Long period pulsations of plasma velocity and density in loops |
HOP 0375 |
Flare Ribbon and Current Sheet Instabilities During Solar Flares |
HOP 0390 |
Understanding the Correlation between Solar Abundances and F10.7 Radio Emission using VLA |
HOP 0392 |
Solar wind release near coronal hole boundaries during the fourth Parker Solar Probe Perihelion |
HOP 0396 |
Collaboration with Chandarayan-2 X-ray Solar Monitor (XSM) |
HOP 0400 |
The solar wind outflow in coronal holes |
HOP 0403 |
Spacious Coronal Jet observation around Coronal Holes |
HOP 0406 |
Joint IRIS-Hinode Observing Plan to study elemental abundance variation in the solar atmosphere |
HOP 0407 |
Solar Orbiter/SPICE STP122 observation support with IRIS/EIS |
HOP 0408 |
Joint IRIS-Hinode Observations of On-disk Quiet Sun or Coronal Hole Jets |
HOP 0410 |
Coordinated HSO Connect Observations of PSP Quiet-Sun Source Regions |
HOP 0411 |
Hinode (SOT/SP) and IRIS Observations of the Evolution of Sunspot Penumbrae |
HOP 0440 |
Magnetic evolution inside coronal holes |
HOP 0441 |
Understanding the Correlation between Solar Abundances and F10.7 Radio Emission using JVLA during Increasing Solar Activity |
HOP 0445 |
Searching for Non-Maxwellian Distributions with EIS and IRIS (without COMP): Coordinated observations of Fe XII off-limb |
HOP 0446 |
Flare precursor event observations in coordination with Solar Orbiter and the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST) |
HOP 0449 |
Hot onset flare precursor event observations in coordination with STIX |
HOP 0451 |
Plasma composition evolution in active region leading and following polarities |
HOP 0465 |
Quantitative evaluations of magnetic-field measurements near the solar limb |
HOP 0466 |
Joint EIS, IRIS and XRT observations of a Dark Halo around an active region |