HOP No. |
HOP title |
HOP 0001 |
APL Solar Bolometric Imager (BSI) |
HOP 0002 |
CORE: Polar Region Observation Campaign |
HOP 0003 |
EIS-SUMER Campaign |
HOP 0004 |
Coordinated Campaign Observation with THEMIS - a. Filament/prominence study, b. Evolving 3D Magnetic Field in Active Regions |
HOP 0005 |
Irradiance Measurement Campaign |
HOP 0006 |
CORE: Coalignment Campaign |
HOP 0007 |
CDS/UVCS + Ulysses Campaign |
HOP 0008 |
Stereoscopic Observation of the Coronal Structures |
HOP 0009 |
Observations of Filament Threads and their Footpoints |
HOP 0010 |
CORE: Joint Observation of the Solar Corona between Hinode EIS and NAOJ Norikura Observatory for nonthermal line broadening in the coronal emission |
HOP 0011 |
Coordinated Campaign Observation with THEMIS - c. Measurements of Magnetic Energy and Helicity Fluxes |
HOP 0012 |
CORE: Cooperative Observations between Hida Observatory & Hinode Satellite - 1. Emerging Flux Regions 2. Cool Jets 3. Ellerman Bombs |
HOP 0013 |
Hinode Collaboration with SHAZAM-P |
HOP 0014 |
Hinode/Canary Islands Campaign |
HOP 0015 |
Helioseismology observations with SOT |
HOP 0016 |
Sac Peak campaignG Dunn Solar Telescope: morphological and dynamical behavior of the magnetic field in the QS chromosphere |
HOP 0017 |
Joint Hinode/RHESSI Study of Chromospheric Evaporation (target of opportunity) |
HOP 0018 |
Determination of the Basic Plasma Parameters and Their Possible Variations within Solar Atmospheric Loops (target of opportunity) |
HOP 0019 |
a) Search for fast magnetoacoustic waves in active region loops & b) Loop density measurement (target of opportunity) |
HOP 0020 |
EIS+ SOT+XRT Physical mechanisms driving solar microflares and supergranular network dynamics - relevance for coronal heating |
HOP 0021 |
Determination of the properties of families of solar granules and formation of the photospheric network |
HOP 0022 |
Super resolving analysis of photospheric layers using a differential cross-correlation technique |
HOP 0023 |
HOP 0024 |
Prominence Mass Composition and Variability Study |
HOP 0025 |
Hinode-ITP campaign |
HOP 0026 |
Hinode-(SST Soup) 1. Wave Transmission in the Quiet Sun 2. Wave Variations in the Penumbral Fine Structure |
HOP 0027 |
SUMER campaign- 1. Temperature, density and 3-D structure of active region loops, 2. Chromospheric heating [SUMER #5] |
HOP 0028 |
Investigation of the quiet sun fine-scale structures |
HOP 0029 |
IHY FILAMENT OBSERVING CAMPAIGN: Activity in Filaments and Filament Cavities |
HOP 0030 |
A search for enhancements in FeXV line emission due to opacity |
HOP 0031 |
SUMER campaign- Coronal holes boundaries evolution |
HOP 0032 |
SUMER campaign - The magnetic structure of macrospicules |
HOP 0033 |
Off-limb line width measurements |
HOP 0034 |
Active Region & Network Wave Propagation: Active Region Movie |
HOP 0035 |
DST/IBIS, Hinode/EIS+SOT+XRT, SOHO/MDI and TRACE -Magnetic helicity in active filaments |
HOP 0036 |
Coronal heating; Simultaneous observations with EIS on board Hinode and Norikura Coronagraph |
HOP 0037 |
High Cadence Studies of Propagating Intensity Perturbations in Coronal Loops |
HOP 0038 |
Bright Point Microflaring Oscillations |
HOP 0039 |
SUMER campaign - Characterization of Fast and Slow Solar Wind Source Regions |
HOP 0040 |
SUMER campaign - coronal hole |
HOP 0041 |
A search for the roots of Parker's nanoflares using Hinode |
HOP 0042 |
Cross Calibration Between EUNIS Sounding Rocket and EIS |
HOP 0043 |
SUMER campaign - Spectral Observations of Spicule Dynamics |
HOP 0044 |
SUMER campaign - Multi-wavelength observations of coronal hole plumes at solar minimum |
HOP 0045 |
SUMER campaign - Detection of waves in the solar atmosphere |
HOP 0046 |
CORE: Synoptic SOT Irradiance Scans |
HOP 0047 |
SUMER campaign - Moss Observation |
HOP 0048 |
SUMER campaign - 3-D structure and evolution of filaments/prominences (former HOP27-3) [SUMER-6] |
HOP 0049 |
SUMER campaign - Doppler Shifts in X-ray Jets (target of opportunity) (former HOP27-1b) [SUMER-10] |
HOP 0050 |
CORE: Physics of Spicules type II |
HOP 0051 |
SUMER campaign - Multi temperature observation of the Quiet Sun with EIS and SUMER |
HOP 0052 |
Multi-point, high cadence EUV (and complementary) observations of the dynamic solar corona |
HOP 0053 |
CORE: SOT continuous magnetic field observations for investigating mechanisms responsible for XBPs and QS dynamics |
HOP 0054 |
CORE: Transient horizontal fields in the chromosphere 1. extreme limb (target of opportunity) |
HOP 0055 |
CORE: Transient horizontal fields in the chromosphere 2. disc center (target of opportunity) |
HOP 0056 |
CORE/TOO: Quiescent Prominence Structure and Dynamics Study |
HOP 0057 |
CORE/TOO: Observation of dynamical activities in sunspot penumbrae |
HOP 0058 |
CORE/TOO: Measuring coronal outflows in coronal loops |
HOP 0059 |
CORE: Quiet Sun Evolution - A Hinode Heritage Study |
HOP 0060 |
CORE: Quiet Sun Dynamics |
HOP 0061 |
CORE: Long Duration Studies of Equatorial Coronal Holes |
HOP 0062 |
CORE: Thermal distributions and evolutions of coronal structures |
HOP 0063 |
Magneto-acoustic shocks in the chromosphere and UV variability+Hinode Observations in Support of MOTH-II South Pole Observations |
HOP 0064 |
WHI One-Week Campaign #1: Linking the Corona to the Solar Wind at Ulysses (to occur at the NE limb of the Sun) |
HOP 0065 |
WHI Week-Long Campaign #2: Origin of the Slow Solar Wind (to occur at a streamer at the limb, probably NE quadrant) |
HOP 0066 |
WHI One-Week Campaign #3: Coronal Hole Boundary (to occur on disk, probably a polar hole, but an equatorial hole if available) |
HOP 0067 |
One-Week Campaign #4: Quiet Sun (to occur on disk, near center) |
HOP 0068 |
WHI ToO #1: Active Regions |
HOP 0069 |
WHI ToO #2: Equatorial Coronal Hole Study |
HOP 0070 |
WHI ToO #3: Activity in Filaments and Filament Channels |