a. Scientific Objectives: i) to study the magnetic topology of the filament in the region near the "barbs". ii) magnetic causes of filament eruption, in particular to observe the background fields and the weak fields near fimaent feet, to determine whether the eruption is due to reconnectoin in the lower or upper atmsophere or whether it is a global loss of equilibrium. iii) relation between photospheric flows and prominence eruption, by determining the short and long-term evolution of the rpominence in conjunction with measurements of local evolution of minor polarities. iv) prominence thermal structure, to determine basic physical properties of the prominence-to-corona transition region.
b. Scientific Objectives i) to estimate the evolution, distribution and neutralization of electric currents in active regions. ii) to quantify the transition from force-free to non force-free regime as function of height. iii) to obtain a 3D map of the topology of photospheric flux concentrations vs. height into the upper chromosphere in order to provide the international NLFFF team with boundary conditions for field extrapolations. |