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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0014

Hinode/Canary Islands Campaign

plan term


@ @


 name : S. Kamio
L.R. Bellot Rubio
@  e-mail : kamio[at]solar.mtk.nao.ac.jp

contact person in HINODE team

 name : T. Sekii @  e-mail : sekii[at]solar.mtk.nao.ac.jp

 abstract of observational proposal
We are planning to carry out two kinds of study in this unique opportunity: characterization of quiet Sun magnetic fields including their evolution, and the study of moving magnetic features and flux cancellation events in sunspots.
The two problems will be investigated using coordinated observations of Hinode
and four solar telescopes in Canary Islands. SOT onboard Hinode and solar
telescopes in Canary Islands (SST, VTT, THEMIS, and DOT) will allow us
to perform perform high precision spectro-polarimetric measurements in different
spectral ranges (in the photosphere and the chromosphere), and imaging observations at the highest spatial resolution possible. All layers of the solar
atmosphere will be covered from the photosphere to the corona, by means of XRT and EIS onboard Hinode.

 request to SOT
Quiet Sun magnetic fields
SOT/FG: G-band and Ca II H filtergrams for studying connections between internetwork fields and chromospheric structure
SOT/SP: Sequence of short scans in Fe I 630.2nm

Active region magnetism
SOT/FG: G-band and Ca II H filtergrams for studying connections between internetwork fields and chromospheric structure
SOT/SP: Sequence of short scans in Fe I 630.2 nm

 request to XRT
Quiet Sun magnetic fields: high cadence observation covering SOT FOV, with low temperature sensitive filters
Active region magnetism: high cadence observation covering the active region

 request to EIS
Quiet Sun magnetic fields: short scans and imaging in transition region
Active region magnetism: rapid scans to detect coronal events in responce to photospheric events

 other participating instruments
VTT TIP: Stokes profiles in FeI 1.56 micron and MnI 1.52 micron
TESOS+VIP: 2D Spectropolarimetry in Fe I 630nm
THEMIS Fe I 630nm and Ca II IR triplet lines
DOT: filtergrams in H alpha, CaII H, and G-band
SST: magnetogram and G-band filtergram


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