Objective: Determine the characteristics of temporal variability in moss emission, and correlations between variability at different temperatures, using IRIS, Hinode, and AIA.
Scientific Background: The spatial and temporal variability of the emission of active region moss provides stringent constraints on the characteristics of heating events (e.g., Martens et al. 2000). Recent moss observations with the Hi-C (High resolution coronal imager) sounding rocket in a EUV narrow band around 193A at high spatial (~0.3 arcsec) and temporal (~5.5s) resolution, has revealed in some moss regions variability on timescales down to ~15 s, significantly shorter than the minute-scale variability typically found in previous observations of moss (Testa et al. 2013). The Hi-C and SDO observations of these events suggest that they are signatures of heating events associated with reconnection occurring in the overlying hot coronal loops, i.e., coronal nanoflares. The Hi-C rocket only produced few minutes of data, therefore preventing a detail study of the statistical properties of these events.
IRIS provides imaging and spectral observations at high spatial and temporal resolution at FUV and NUV wavelengths, and allows to study, together with Hinode and SDO, the response of the lower atmosphere in hot loops to heating episodes. Coordinated observing of Hinode with IRIS provides the opportunity to characterize, through both imaging and spectroscopy, the variability of AR moss with large temperature coverage (low TR to corona), high spatial resolution, and spectral diagnostics at TR (IRIS) and coronal (EIS) temperatures. |