To increase our understanding of prominence structure and dynamics, including the connection of the prominences to the corona. Understanding prominence dynamics and how those relate to prominence energetics, magnetic field structure and maintenance are still an an on going challenge to solar physics. We desire to combine observations from the Sac Peak Dunn Solar Telescope and SDO/AIA on and off disk with Hinode Observations off limb to better understand 1) The connection between the cool portions of the prominence as seen in chromospheric-temperature lines by the Dunn and Hnode/SOT and the corona and prominence-corona transition region observed in the EUV by Hinode/EIS, SDO/AIA, and, if available, SOHO/CDS. The best target would be a prominence roughly parallel to the limb so that motions along the spine can be more clearly seen.
2) The connections between features seen from different perspectives inprominence emissions seen in chromospheric-temperature lines, especially in hedgerow prominences. Useful observations would be of motions in a hedgerow prominence as it moved from the disk (observed with Sac Peak) to off-limb (with Hinode/SOT) to understand how the complex motions see off limb correspond to motions seen in the filament on the disk.
Observing plan - exact details and target selection will depend on the prominences present on the solar disk. Sac Peak will observe different targets with the goal of observing appropriate targets off limb on days and times when Hinode is available for observing as well. We will specify targets by deadlines specified by the Hinode team.
Observing plan - exact details and target selection will depend on the prominences present on the solar disk. Sac Peak will observe different targets with the goal of observing appropriate targets off limb on days and times when Hinode is available for observing as well. We will specify targets by deadlines specified by the Hinode team. |