EIS studies would ideally run together with SPICE study defined by the R_SMALL_HRES_LCAD_Composition-vs-Height SOOP.
This SOOP will run on 18-19 March 2024 at disk centre as seen from Solar Orbiter, but it will be close to the Earth-Sun line.
SPICE will do the following: - Spectral Atlas 2 repeats on 18/03/2024 01:00-06:37 - Composition map on 18/03/2024 06:40-13:06 - Spectral Atlas 2 repeats on 18/03/2024 13:09-18:46 - Composition map on 19/03/2024 03:28-09:54
EIS Requests: - Atlas_120 ID 405, 1 repeat during the first set of Spectral Atlas - Atlas_180 ID 620, 2 repeats during the first Composition map - Atlas_120 ID 405, 1 repeat during the second set of Spectral Atlas - Atlas_180 ID 620, 2 repeats during the second Composition map
Priorities: - Either Atlas_120 ID 405 on 18/03/2024 from 01:00 or on 18/03/2024 from 13:09. Either is OK for SPICE. - One repeat only of Atlas_180 ID 620 on18/03/2024 from 06:40 and one repeat only on 19/03/2024 from 03:28.
If this is still too much for telemetry constraints then the Atlas_180 ID 620 on18/03/2024 from 06:40 should be prioritised. |