Dates: March 27 to April 4 in 2017 (approx.), during SUMER campaign observations run from GSFC
Time window: The daily SUMER observing time depends on the DSN schedule and GSFC daytime. Specifically, SUMER will be operated from NASA/GSFC (EDT= UTC-04) and commands be uploaded during the DNS windows (Madrid 08-10 UT, Goldstone 15-17 UT, Canberra 22-24 UT). Therefore, the observations must be run after (not before) these windows, preferably during or after the GSFC daytime window (roughly 13-21 UT) and during the daytime of coordinating GBOs.
Target(s) of interest: The targets will range from quiescent filaments/prominences, coronal rain, to eruptive prominences, flares, and spicules. We propose a dedicated HOP for the campaign which relies upon existing HOPs for a variety of targets:
A) Prominences/filaments: refer to HOP 73 (Berger et al., Quiescent Prominence Dynamics), HOP 139 (Okamoto et al., Filament Formation and Evolution by Emerging Flux), HOP 269 (Liu et al. Prominence-Coronal Cavity Systems). B) Spicules: HOPS 113 and 144. C) Other disk observations: refer to HOP 323.
Previous HOP information: None (but previous SUMER campaigns--HOPs 93, 104, 193, 205, 211)
Additional Remarks: In general, pointing will be jointly selected the day before, within the constraints of the operation modes of all participating instruments. Specifically keep in mind that Hinode needs initial plans on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings GSFC time; and final pointing coordinates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday evenings, while IRIS makes its final plan every weekday by ~4 PM GSFC time, and both missions make a 3-day weekend plan on Friday.
For each observation run, an image with a substantial FOV from each instrument is requested for the purpose of co-alignment across instruments. |