- March 6 17:20 UT: series of repeating normal maps 20hx164h, dual side mode, seven repetitions would be good, nine repetitions are the maximum necessary, if nine repetitions are feasible by telemetry we would like to start already at 17:10 UT, Q75 [for one map with 20hx164h~ 144 Mbits -> 144*2*7 = 2016 Mbits, 144*2*9 = 2592 Mbits], each scan is expected to take about 10 minutes to complete [pointing: Polar limb, PHI 70min] - March 7 01:10 UT: series of repeating normal maps 20hx164h, one side mode nine repetitions would be good, eleven repetitions are the maximum necessary, if eleven repetitions are feasible by telemetry we would like to start already at 01:00 UT, Q75 [144*9 = 1296 Mbits, 144*11 = 1584 Mbits], each scan is expected to take about 10 minutes to complete [pointing: AR, PHI 90min] - March 8 00:40 UT: series of repeating normal maps 20hx164h, dual side mode, with as many repeats as telemetry allows up to a maximum of twelve maps, Q75 [max: 144*2*12 = 3456 Mbits], each scan is expected to take about 10 minutes to complete [pointing: QS, PHI 120min]
We are aware that we are asking for a large data volume for March 6-8. In case that this runs against the telemetry limit, we prefer a reduced number of repetitions individually for each day (despite the numbers given above) while starting at the first time given (in agreement with PHI observing times) and keeping the modes (dual side on March 6 and March 8, one side on March 7).
- March 17 00:18 UT: series of repeating normal maps 20hx164h, dual side mode,three repetitions would be good, five repetitions are the maximum necessary, if five repetitions are feasible by telemetry we would like to start already at 00:08 UT, Q75 [-> 144*2*3 = 864 Mbits, 144*2*5 = 1440 Mbits], each scan is expectedto take about 10 minutes to complete [pointing: QS, PHI 30min] - March 17 03:18 UT: series of repeating normal maps 20hx164h, dual side mode,02/02/2022 09:48:14 three repetitions would be good, five repetitions are the maximum necessary, if five repetitions are feasible by telemetry we would like to start already at 03:08 UT, Q75 [-> 144*2*3 = 864 Mbits, 144*2*5 = 1440 Mbits], each scan is expected to take about 10 minutes to complete [pointing: AR, PHI 30min]. |