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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0493

[SOOP: Fast-Wind] Sources of fast solar wind

plan term


@ @


 name : Mzerguat, Buchlin, Zambrana Prado @  e-mail : slimane.mzerguat[at]ias.u-psud.fr

contact person in HINODE team

 name : Okamoto, Reeves/Testa, Matthew/Culhane @  e-mail : okamoto[at]nao.ac.jp, kreeves[at]cfa.harvard.edu, ptesta[at]cfa.harvard.edu, sarah.matthews[at]ucl.ac.uk

 abstract of observational proposal
Scientific Justification:
To support SPICE observations taken during a Solar Orbiter "Fast Solar Wind Connection SOOP" with spectroscopic observations of plasma flows and composition measurements. Similar to HOP 472 with updated dates/Times and observation studies detailed below.

 request to SOT
Optional: Periodic 160"x160" fast maps as telemetry allows, prioritizing the PHI/HRT Observation intervals

 request to XRT
Exact details to be coordinated with the chief planner. Equatorial coronal hole target. Dynamics study.02/03/2024 14:48:57 #188 Suggestion of Al-Poly with 30s cadence and 374"x374" FOV, as per previous slow solar wind coordination that looked at CH boundary. Run as often as possible in coordination with EIS.

 request to EIS
Exact details to be coordinated with the chief planner. Equatorial coronal hole target.

When SO/SPICE runs sit and stare observations EIS should run study #642 (CH_bound_240x512v1) centred on the SPICE pointing location.

EIS studies have the highest priority, so we are willing to sacrifice SOT and/or XRT observations if there is a possibility of additional telemetry for those observations

 other participating instruments
IRIS requests:
Exact details to be coordinated with the chief planner. Equatorial coronal hole target. Dynamics study. Suggestion of Al-Poly with 30s cadence and 374"x374" FOV, as per previous slow solar wind coordination that looked at CH boundary. Run as often as possible in coordination with EIS.
Additional instrument coordination: L_SMALL_HRES_HCAD_Fast-Wind

Dates: Coordination of Hinode/EIS with SO/SPICE observations taken during a Fast Wind SOOP

Observation window between 17/10/2024 00:00 UT and 21/10/2024 00:00 UT. Observations during those, ~4 days are required to investigate and link composition/dynamics of a fast solar wind source region using a range of composition diagnosis and dynamics studies to plasma detected in situ.
Time window: The SO Fast wind SOOP will run from 2024-10-17T00:00 UT until 2024-10-21T00:00 UT.
SO/SPICE will observe almost continuously throughout this period, so support from Hinode/EIS is desired.

In detail, SO/SPICE will observe continuously with 2 interruptions:
1- from 2024-10-17T22:00 UT to 2024-10-18T01:00 UT (Flare Watch. Change of pointing)
2- from 2024-10-19T19:00 UT to 2024-10-19T20:00 UT (Remote Sensing Burst. Change of pointing)

High-resolution observations by EUI/HRI and PHI/HRT will take place on:
from 2024-10-17T10:55 UT to 2024-10-17T12:55 UT
from 2024-10-18T06:45 UT to 2024-10-18T08:45 UT
from 2024-10-19T00:16 UT to 2024-10-19T02:16 UT
from 2024-10-20T05:00 UT to 2024-10-20T07:00 UT

During these times, SPICE will be conducting sit and stare studies with both composition and dynamics spectral lines as a target.
Therefore, we would like to prioritize HRI and PHI time slots. And focus for EIS on small (FOV) and fast (scan time) and consecutive rasters with focus on composition lines if possible.
For better understanding, this link presents a simplified schedule of the Fast Wind and the window size in earth helioprojective coordinates:

Target(s) of interest: Upflow regions and jets within an equatorial coronal hole (on-disc) with also an interest on small and fast events. If no equatorial CH is available, observe polar CH or another potential solar wind source. The exact coordinates of SO/SPICE observations will be decided 3 days in advance (on 14/10/2024 at 15:00 UT Initially), with the possibility to change the pointing every day during the observing window if needed.

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