The moon passes in front of the sun twice: Event#1: from 00:51UT to 01:08UT, 71.6% at 00:59UT Event#2: from 05:02UT to 05:12UT, 29.2% at 05:07UT We propose to take a complete XRT eclipse movie during the Event#1, and to download its data immediately. This probably requests that all the instruments (SOT, EIS and XRT) reduce the data rate as low as possible (almost 0) during TBD hours before the eclipse for making the DR empty at the beginning of Event#1, and also requests that SOT and EIS keep the almost-zero data rate until the end of Event#1. Of course, these requests fully depend on DR management and station arrangement. To the spacecraft, we request multiple download of the XRT movie data to reduce the risk of data loss and packet loss as small as possible.
We also propose science data to derive "scatter-light-free" temperature structures of an equatorial coronal hole during Event#1 and/or quiet Sun during Event#2 (see Kano et al. 2008, PASJ).
* Observation Date: 2009/07/22 for eclipse observations. We intend two dry-run tests: the first for XRT observation planing only in June, and the second for all including DR management and data download during 2009/06/12-2009/07/10.
* Time window in a day for the eclipse and the second dry-run: (a) Movie for Public Outreach The minimum request is 00:50-01:10UT (Event#1). (b) Science data for Temperature Analysis Embedded during the Movie data taken 00:50-01:10UT (Event#1) (and/or 05:00-05:15UT Event#2.)
* Target of interest: Solar Eclipse
* Pointing & Data Downloads Disk center pointing for Event#1, and E-limb pointing for Event#2. Download the XRT movie data (about 400Mbits, see below) as soon as possible, and download then twice to reduce the risk of data loss or packet loss.