ISAS Astrophysics Colloquia


This is a series of seminars to facilitate discussion among scientists in different astrophysics divisions at ISAS and those outside of ISAS. We invite speakers to share their latest results with us.
This seminar series is hosted by the members of in department of astrophysics at ISAS. Therefore, we usually focus on specific topics in astrophysics and related fields. Here is a brief difference between this series and another hosted by the entire ISAS.


Organizers [Expertise]

Send requests to the organizers at e-mail.



Be aware that different rooms are user for different slots due to heavy schedule conflicts.

List of seminars

Background colors are for normal talks (white), thesis presentations (pink), graduate students talks (cyan), and joint seminar with others (orange).
No. Date Time Place Speaker Affiliatoin Title & Abstract Lang Remarks1 Host(+/Organizer)
307 2024/12/16 11:00-12:00 1639 Miguel Pereira-Santaella Instituto de Física Fundamental The dusty cores of local ULIRGs revealed by molecular bands using JWST EN Baba/NI
305 2024/12/13 13:00-14:00 1639 Ruchika Dhaka Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Timing and spectral study of rapidly spinning black hole X-ray binary systems EN MT
306 2024/12/05 11:00-12:00 1639 Masaaki Sakano Wise Babel 英語脳で考えて文章を書くとは? JP MT
302 2024/11/21 11:00-12:00 1639 Munehito Shoda UoT A model of coronal XUV emission from TW Hya EN MT
303 2024/11/14 11:00-12:00 1639 松永 海 Kyoto University 恒星進化末期の成層破壊現象 shell merger と重力崩壊型超新星残骸のX線観測 JP Amano/MT
304 2024/10/17 11:00-12:00 1639 Shigeru Yoshida Chiba U. Neutrino & Xray multimessenger synergy: Why and how EN MT
300 2024/08/01 11:00-12:00 1639 Massimo Cappi INAF New opportunities in high energy astrophysics from space and from the ground EN Ebisawa/MT
299 2024/07/25 11:00-12:00 1639 Kosuke Nishiwaki TMU 電波観測が制限する銀河団の宇宙線分布: 宇宙線陽子のsmall-injection-rate problem JP HY
301 2024/07/22 15:00-16:00 1257 Ed Udinski Wallops Space Center, GSFC/NASA Balloon Program Overview EN Maeda/MT
297 2024/07/11 11:00-12:00 1639 Kei Sano Kyushu Institute of Technology Development of an astronomical 6U satellite VERTECS (Visible Extragalactic background RadiaTion Exploration by CubeSat) EN NI
294 2024/07/04 11:00-12:00 1639 Juan Echevarria Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Cataclysmic Variables: a perspective in terms of the magnetic strength of the white dwarf EN Ishida/MT
298 2024/06/21 15:15-16:15 1639 Matt Bradford JPL PRIMA: the PRobe far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics EN Nakagawa/MT
295 2024/06/21 14:00-15:00 1639 Caroline A. Kilbourne NASA GSFC The Line Emission Mapper - A Mission Concept for Uncovering our Connected Cosmos EN Yamasaki/MT
296 2024/05/23 11:00-12:00 1639 Hiromasa Suzuki JAXA ISAS X線・ガンマ線観測を用いた超新星残骸の宇宙線加速の系統研究:全体の傾向と個性 JP HY
292 2024/05/09 11:00-12:00 1639 Kotaro Fukushima JAXA ISAS X線観測で探る銀河の化学進化と超新星元素合成 JP HY
293 2024/04/18 11:00-12:00 1639 Haruka Washinoue Osaka U. Time-varying X-ray emission from stellar flares and its impact on disk evolution JP Kurihara/MT
291 2024/04/11 11:00-12:00 1639 笠木 結 JAXA ISAS すばる望遠鏡REACHによる褐色矮星の高分散分光観測と大気の特徴づけ JP HK
290 2024/04/03 16:00-17:00 1639 Ingunn Kathrine Wehus University of Oslo Cosmoglobe - mapping the universe from the Milky Way to the Big Bang EN Ebisawa/MT
280 2024/03/28 11:00-12:00 1639 大間々 知輝(辻本研) 総研大 Joint Analysis of X-ray Spectral and Timing using the State-Space Model: Application for the Black Hole Binary MAXI J1820+070 JP Ph.D. MT
287 2024/03/22 14:00-15:00 1639 Eduardo de la Fuente Acosta Universidad de Guadalajara The Importance of X-ray Observations in the World of PeVatrons EN H. Suzkuki/MT
289 2024/03/21 11:00-12:00 1639 Toshiya Ueta University of Denver 目標天体の輝線分光データを自家減光補正しつつ輝線ガスの電子温度・密度を一括同定する新手法について JP Yamamura/MT
286 2024/03/14 11:00-11:30 1639 蜂須賀 大暁(中川研) 東京大 「あかり」観測による水素再結合線強度比の銀河光度依存性の研究 JP Master MT
288 2024/03/07 11:00-12:00 1639 杉本 良介(山田研) 総研大 Experimental demonstration of back-linked Fabry-Perot interferometer for a space gravitational wave antenna JP Ph.D. MT
285 2024/02/29 11:00-11:30 1639 乗本 雄真(和泉研) 法政大 浮遊型慣性基準センサーの開発と地上試験系構築 JP Master MT
284 2024/02/22 11:30-12:00 1639 山口 遼大(松原研) 東工大 Three-dimensional gas density distribution using [Ne V] fine-structure lines in the colliding wind binary WR140 JP Master MT
282 2024/02/22 11:00-11:30 1639 松本 岳人(石田研) 都立大 像再構成型X線光学系に用いるKirkpatrick-Baezミラーの開発 JP Master MT
275 2024/02/15 11:00-12:00 1639 Yuichi Harikane ICRR JWST Studies on Early Galaxy Formation and AGN Activity at z~4-13 EN NI
283 2024/02/08 11:30-12:00 1639 太田 瞭(山崎研) 東京大 TES型X線マイクロカロリメータの電熱解析とパルス波形処理 JP Master MT
281 2024/02/08 11:00-11:30 1639 望月 雄友(海老沢研) 東京大 XRISM衛星搭載極低温検出器の地上・軌道上データを用いたX線イベント処理最適化 JP Master MT
289 2024/01/25 11:00-12:00 1639 Masahiro Tsujimoto JAXA ISAS Spectral Modeling of the Supersoft X-ray Source CAL87 based on Radiative Transfer Codes JP MT
279 2024/01/18 11:00-12:00 1639 富永 愛侑(海老沢研) 東京大 Detailed X-ray Spectral Modelling of Cir X-1 Based on Radiative Transfer JP Ph.D. MT
276 2024/01/11 11:00-12:00 1639 Kazuhiro Hada NAOJ High-resolution radio observations of M87: recent progress EN NI
277 2023/12/21 11:00-12:00 1639 Masaaki Sakano Wise Babel 論文英語の鬼門: 時制と仮定法 JP MT
278 2023/12/14 11:00-12:00 1639 Yui Kawashima JAXA ISAS 系外惑星大気の特徴付け:大気スペクトルモデルの構築と観測データへの適用 JP HK
274 2023/12/07 11:00-12:00 1639 Takuto Narita Kyoto U. Progenitor constraint method with the abundance of circumstellar material in supernova remnants JP Amano/MT
273 2023/11/30 11:00-12:00 1639 Yuki Amano JAXA ISAS Diagnostics for Physical Processes of X-ray Plasma in Supernova Remnants JP MT
270 2023/11/16 11:00-12:00 1639 Kosuke Namekata NAOJ Multi-wavelength observations of stellar superflares on young Sun-like stars and potential collaborations with XRISM JP Kurihara/MT
272 2023/11/09 11:00-12:00 1639 Shinsaku Imada U. of Tokyo 太陽フレア時に観測される熱的非平衡プラズマ JP Kurihara/MT
271 2023/11/01 11:00-12:00 1639 Mariko Kubo Tohoku U. Evolution of the average obscured star formation and AGNs in a protocluster through the optical-NIR wide-field surveys and the infrared all-sky surveys in the archive EN Hoshi/MT
269 2023/10/26 11:00-12:00 1639 Masayuki Nakano CalTech Status of the fourth gravitational-wave observation run (O4) EN KI
268 2023/10/05 11:00-12:00 1639 Alfredo Luminari INAF, Rome Time-Evolving Photoionisation in the XRISM era EN Ebisawa/MT
267 2023/09/14 11:00-12:00 1639 Kosei Matsumoto Gent U. Self-consistent dust and non-LTE line radiative transfer with SKIRT JP Tominaga/MT
265 2023/08/18 11:00-12:00 1618 Roberto Soria INAF-Turin and UCAS/NAOC Beijing Ionized gas around super-Eddington accretors: a few case studies EN Ebisawa/MT
264 2023/08/17 11:00-12:00 1639 Vanessa Moss CSIRO The quest for an autonomous ASKAP: automating the next-generation of survey telescopes EN Taskter/MT
263 2023/08/08 09:30-10:30 1639 Megumi Shidatsu Ehime U. 全天X線監視装置 MAXI と多波長同時観測で探る X 線連星の降着・噴出現象 JP Tominaga/MT
262 2023/08/03 11:00-12:00 1639 Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano Northwestern University Extremely Cool Detectors On a Fireball: The High-Resolution Microcalorimeter X-ray Imaging Rocket EN MT
261 2023/07/24 13:30-14:30 1618 Volodymyr Takhistov KEK/QUP Enhanced Gravitational Waves from Inflaton Oscillons EN KI
260 2023/07/20 11:00-12:00 1639 Kimitake Hayasaki Chungbuk National University High energy neutrino emissions associated with tidal disruption events JP Ebisawa/MT
259 2023/07/13 11:00-12:00 1639 Marco Bortolami INFN Planck constraints on cross-correlations between anisotropic cosmic birefringence and CMB polarization EN Ebisawa/MT
258 2023/06/29 11:00-12:00 1639 Vincenzo Sapienza UoT/INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo A Spatially Resolved Study of Hard X-Ray Emission in Kepler's Supernova Remnant: Indications of Different Regimes of Particle Acceleration EN MT
257 2023/06/15 11:00-12:00 1639 Norita Kawanaka TMU Model of a Warm Corona as the Origin of the Soft X-ray Excess of Active Galactic Nuclei JP MT
256 2023/06/08 11:00-12:00 1639 Takanori Kodama U.of Tokyo Habitable Climates for exo-terrestrial planets EN HK
255 2023/05/25 11:00-12:00 1639 Tsubasa Tamba JAXA ISAS X-ray study of the accretion ow onto highly magnetized neutron stars JP MT
254 2023/05/18 11:00-12:00 1639 Shoji Ogawa JAXA ISAS Updated Unified Picture of Active Galactic Nucleus Structure Revealed by X-Ray and Infrared Observations JP MT
253 2023/04/27 11:00-12:00 1639 Yoshiaki Kanemaru JAXA ISAS Studies on the astronomical X-ray CCD for Soft X-ray Imager onboard the XRISM satellite JP MT
252 2023/04/20 11:00-12:00 1639 Yael Naze University of Liege The mysterious gamma Cas stars EN MT
251 2023/04/13 11:00-12:00 1639 Mitsuru Kokubo NAOJ AGN Variability: reverberation phenomena and variability-based AGN selection EN HY
250 2023/04/06 11:00-12:00 1639 Daiki Ishi JAXA ISAS Observational and Modeling Studies of Charge Exchange X-ray Emission Associated with the Earth's Magnetosphere JP MT
249 2023/03/20 15:00-16:00 1639 Wei Cui Tsinghua Univ Witnessing A New Era of X-ray Astronomy EN Yamasaki/HY
248 2023/03/16 11:00-12:00 1639 Masahiro Tsujimoto JAXA ISAS X-ray and optical spectroscopic study of a γ Cassiopeiae analog source π Aquarii JP MT
247 2023/03/09 11:00-12:00 1639 武尾 舞(石田研) 都立大 X-ray study of hot plasma spatial distribution in dwarf novae in quiescence and outburst JP Ph.D. MT
246 2023/02/16 11:00-11:30 1639 星 篤志(山田研) 東北大 可視変光選択された活動銀河核から迫る銀河とブラックホール共進化 JP Master MT
245 2023/02/16 11:30-12:00 1639 内藤 隆人(和泉研) 法政大 遺伝的アルゴリズムによるフォトレシーバ回路設計 -- 重力波望遠鏡への応用 JP Master MT
244 2023/02/09 11:00-11:30 1639 宮川 陸大(山崎研) 東京大 オーバーハング吸収体による高効率 TES 型X線マイクロカロリメータの製作と性能評価 JP Master HY
243 2023/02/09 11:30-12:00 1639 宮本 明日香(石田研) 都立大 X線分光解析による大質量連星系WR140の星風衝突衝撃波の理解 JP Master HY
242 2023/02/02 11:00-12:00 1639 Shota Notsu RIKEN Possibility to locate the position of the H2O snowline in protoplanetary disks through spectroscopic observations EN NI
241 2023/01/26 11:30-12:00 1639 栗原 明稀(海老沢研) 東京大 XRISM 衛星搭載極低温検出器における電磁干渉の影響評価と低減 JP Master MT
240 2023/01/26 11:00-11:30 1639 中野 遼(関本研) 東京大 ボロメータアレイ検出器搭載望遠鏡のアンテナパターン測定に向けたホログラフィー近傍界測定法の開発 JP Master MT
239 2023/01/19 11:30-12:30 1639 Mariko Kimura RIKEN Multi-wavelength observations & numerical simulations of dwarf novae & X-ray binaries JP MT
238 2023/01/17 11:00-12:00 1639 高倉 隼人 (関本研) 東京大 宇宙マイクロ波背景放射の偏光観測に向けた広視野望遠鏡のアンテナパターンと偏光角の測定 JP Ph.D. MT
237 2023/01/10 11:00-12:00 1639 御堂岡 拓哉 (海老沢研) 東京大 Origin of the X-ray absorbers in Seyfert 1 galaxies JP Ph.D. MT
236 2022/12/22 11:00-12:00 1639 Shota Miyazaki JAXA ISAS 重力マイクロレンズによる系外惑星探査 JP NI
235 2022/11/29 11:00-12:00 1639 Lucia Trozzo Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Einstein Telescope and the future of gravitational wave research EN KI
234 2022/11/25 11:00-12:00 1639 Mason Ng MIT IXPE Observations of the Neutron Star Low-Mass X-ray Binary 4U 1626-67 EN MT
233 2022/11/17 11:00-12:00 1639 Yoshiki Toba NAOJ A multi-wavelength view of Active Galactic Nuclei selected with eROSITA EN NI
232 2022/10/17 11:00-12:00 1639 Aurora Simionescu SRON The Planck clusters in the LOFAR sky EN Yamasaki/HY
231 2022/10/06 11:00-12:00 1639 Tenyo Kawamura IPMU A full spectral-timing model to map the accretion flow in black hole binaries: the low/hard state of MAXI J1820+070 JP MT
230 2022/09/08 11:00-12:00 1639 Hajime Kawahara JAXA ISAS 自動微分と確率プログラミング言語の宇宙科学応用:系外惑星スペクトルのモデリングを例として JP NI
229 2022/07/27 11:00-12:00 1639 Yasuhiro Hasegawa NASA JPL Solid Accretion onto Neptune-Mass Planets: Constraints from the D/H ratio of Uranus and Neptune EN Tasker/MT
228 2022/07/14 11:00-12:00 1733 Satoshi Yamada RIKEN Multiwavelength Study of Galaxy-Supermassive Black Hole Coevolution in Galaxy Mergers EN NI
227 2022/07/13 11:00-12:00 1639 Samantha L. Stever Okayama U. Simulations of systematic effects arising from cosmic rays in the LiteBIRD space telescope, and effects on the measurements of CMB B-modes EN MT
226 2022/07/01 15:30-16:30 1639 Jia Liu Kavli/IPMU Cosmology with Massive Neutrinos EN MT
225 2022/03/31 11:00-11:30 1639 田中 圭太(山崎研) 東京大 TES型マイクロカロリメータの電熱フィードバックを考慮した熱的・電気的応答の研究 JP Master MT
224 2022/03/24 11:00-11:30 1639 長塚 知樹(海老沢研) 東京大 未同定X線突発現象の正体解明に向けた国際宇宙ステーション上のMAXIとNICERの即時連携システム開発 JP Master MT
223 2022/03/24 11:30-12:00 1639 榎木谷 海(松原研) 総研大 次世代赤外線宇宙望遠鏡に搭載するプリズム候補材料の光学特性測定 JP Master MT
222 2022/03/17 11:00-11:30 1639 大城 勇憲(山口研) 東京大 X線撮像分光観測によるIa型超新星残骸の親星解明 JP Master MT
221 2022/03/17 11:30-12:00 1639 今村 竜太(粟木研) 愛媛大 XRISM 衛星搭載極低温検出器における微小擾乱干渉の影響評価と低減 JP Master MT
220 2022/03/10 11:00-11:30 1639 増村 亮(堂谷研) 東工大 LiteBIRD衛星搭載低周波望遠鏡の開発に向けたTESボロメータのノイズ特性評価 JP Master MT
219 2022/03/10 11:30-12:00 1639 海老原 大路(松原研) 東工大 大型赤外線天文衛星搭載に向けた極低温で動作する読み出し集積回路の低雑音化・低発熱化 JP Master MT
218 2022/02/24 11:00-12:00 1639 大西 崇介(中川研) 東京大 一酸化炭素振動回転遷移吸収線の速度成分分離による活動銀河核分子トーラスの内部構造の研究 JP Ph.D. NI
217 2021/12/16 11:00-12:00 1639 Hiroki Akamatsu SRON Current view of Transition Edge Sensors and signal readout technology for space astronomy EN HY
216 2021/11/18 11:00-12:00 TBA 松田真宗 Kyoto U. 超新星残骸Tychoにおける熱的放射と非熱的放射の時間変動 JP HY
215 2021/10/28 11:00-12:00 1639 Takuma Izumi NAOJ Challenge of Subaru and ALMA: early co-evolution of supermassive black holes and host galaxies EN Nakagawa/NI
214 2021/09/07 11:00-12:00 1639 Nagomi Uchida JAXA ISAS X-ray Study of Stellar-Wind Accretion on a Highly-Magnetized Neutron Star in a Binary System EN? MT
213 2021/08/17 11:00-12:00 1639 Misaki Mizumoto Kyoto U. Blowin' in the Wind: How to reveal nature of X-ray UltraFast Outflow (UFO) in AGN EN MT
212 2021/08/05 11:00-12:00 1639 Hiroshi Matsuo NAOJ Proposal of Far-Infrared Intensity Interferometry JP Nakagawa/NI
211 2021/06/10 11:00-12:00 1639 Tomokage Yoneyama JAXA ISAS Thermal emission and magnetic fields of isolated neutron stars JP MT
210 2021/05/27 11:00-12:00 1639 Naoki Shimosako JAXA ISAS Research on photocatalysts to solve the contamination problem of spacecraft JP MT
209 2021/05/20 11:00-12:00 1639 Fred Matsuda JAXA ISAS Search for primordial gravitational waves using the Simons Observatory, a next generation ground-based CMB polarization experiment EN MT
208 2021/04/22 11:00-12:00 1639 Hiromichi Okon CfA 準相対論的宇宙線の精密分光観測を用いた探索と熱的プラズマへのフィードバック JP HY
207 2021/03/31 11:00-11:30 zoom 八木 雄大(山崎研) 東京大 57Fe 原子核の共鳴吸収による 14.4 keV 太陽アクシオン探査に向けた TES 型 X 線マイクロカロリメータの開発 JP Master MT
206 2021/03/24 11:30-12:00 zoom 富永 愛侑(海老沢研) 東京大 LiteBIRD 衛星における宇宙線ノイズの影響評価と機上機器によるデータ処理の検討 JP Master MT
205 2021/03/24 11:00-11:30 zoom 大間々 知輝(植村研) 広島大 ブラックホールジェットのタイムラグ解析手法の開発と応用 JP Master MT
204 2021/03/17 11:30-12:00 zoom 平野 航亮(山崎研) 東京大 原子核時計の実現に向けた229Thアイソマーエネルギーの決定精度の向上 JP Master MT
203 2021/03/17 11:00-11:30 zoom 桶屋 誠人(片坐研) 東京大 赤外線位置天文衛星 JASMINE の観測画像の既存観測データからの推定 JP Master MT
202 2021/03/10 11:30-12:00 zoom 岡坂 洋輝(佐藤研) 法政大 宇宙重力波望遠鏡LISAのためのフォトレシーバの開発 JP Master MT
201 2021/03/10 11:00-11:30 zoom 鈴木 瞳(石田研) 都立大 像再構成型X線光学系に用いる前置スリットの開発 JP Master MT
200 2021/03/03 11:30-12:00 zoom 伊藤 穂乃花(堂谷研) 東工大 「すざく」衛星のデータを用いたブラックホール連星V4641 SgrのX線放射領域の研究 JP Master MT
199 2021/03/03 11:00-11:30 zoom 松本 光生(中川研) 東京大 数値計算を用いたCO 振動回転遷移吸収線の擬似観測による活動銀河核分子トーラスの研究 JP Master MT
198 2021/02/24 11:00-12:00 zoom 中庭 望(石田研) 都立大 可視光静穏時における矮新星の境界層の研究 JP Ph.D. MT
197 2021/02/16 11:00-12:00 zoom 前嶋 宏志(中川研) 東京大 イマージョングレーティング候補材料CdZnTeの極低温吸収係数の測定 JP Ph.D. MT
196 2020/11/17 11:00-12:00 1639 Kentaro Komori JAXA ISAS Search for macroscopic quantum mechanics using an optomechanical cavity EN KI
195 2020/11/10 11:00-12:00 1639 Koji Nagano JAXA/ISAS Precise measurement with laser interferometry for physics and astronomy EN KI
194 2020/10/20 11:00-12:00 1639 Yoshiki Toba Kyoto U. Search for optically "invisible" galaxies in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Field EN NI 17
193 2020/10/13 11:00-12:00 1639 Satoshi Itoh JAXA/ISAS Fourth-order Coronagraph for High-Contrast Imaging of Exoplanets with Segmented Telescopes JP NI
192 2020/10/06 11:00-12:00 1639 Mizuho Uchiyama JAXA ISAS Infrared variability in massive young stellar objects EN NI 12
191 2020/09/29 11:00-12:00 1639 Shugo Oguri JAXA ISAS 電波測定技術を用いた暗黒光子探索 JP MT 10
190 2020/09/15 11:00-12:00 1639 Taiki Kawamuro NAOJ Spatially-resolved Chandra and ALMA studies of an AGN X-ray radiative impact on the ISM EN NI 10
189 2020/08/17 13:30-14:30 1639 Ryo Sasaki Chuo U. The RS CVn type star GT Mus shows most energetic X-ray flares throughout the 2010s JP MT 10
188 2020/03/19 11:00-12:00 1639 Dmitry Khangulyan Rikkyo U. Detection with HESS of GRBs in the Late Afterglow Phase: Expectations and Challenges EN MT 8
187 2020/03/09 11:30-12:00 1537 紺野 良平(山崎研) 北里大 太陽アクシオン探査に特化した 57Fe 吸収体を持つ TES 型マイクロカロリメータの研究 JP Master MT
186 2020/03/09 11:00-11:30 1537 高倉 隼人(関本研) 東京大 1/4スケールモデルを用いたLiteBIRD低周波望遠鏡の広角サイドローブと偏光特性の測定 JP Master MT
185 2020/03/04 11:30-12:00 1639 御堂岡 拓哉 (海老沢研) 東京大 X線天文衛星XRISMの初期観測データ解析に向けた地上試験 JP Master MT
184 2020/03/04 11:00-11:30 1639 福岡 遙佳(中川研) 東京大 次世代赤外線衛星SPICAにおける冷却技術要素の開発 JP Master MT
183 2020/02/28 11:30-12:00 1639 渡辺 佑馬(堂谷研) 東工大 「すざく」衛星のデータを用いた低質量X線連星XB1916-053のdip現象の解明 JP Master MT
182 2020/02/28 11:00-11:30 1639 高久 諒太(山崎研) 東京大 CMB偏光観測に向けたミリ波広帯域反射防止構造の開発 JP Master MT
181 2020/02/18 11:00-12:00 1639 Aurora Simionescu SRON Voyage through the hidden physics of the cosmic web EN HY
180 2020/02/14 11:00-12:00 1639 Wataru Iwakiri Chuo U. 軟X線突発現象の即時追観測を目指すMAXI-NICER連携の現状 JP MT 10
179 2019/12/06 10:30-11:30 1639 Masaaki Sakano Wise Babel 英語の『数』を考える — 冠詞、単数複数、非可算 JP Maeda/MT
178 2019/11/21 11:00-12:00 TBA Tomoya Kinugawa Univ. of Tokyo Binary evolution study for gravitational wave astronomy EN HY 11
177 2019/10/29 14:00-15:00 1537 Ramses Ramirez Earth-Life Sciences Institute USING THE HABITABLE ZONE TO UNDERSTAND THE ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION OF TERRESTRIAL PLANETS EN Tasker/MT
176 2019/10/28 11:00-12:00 1639 Christopher Russell Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Dive into astrophysical simulations with 360-degree videos and VR EN RML
175 2019/10/25 11:00-12:00 1639 Diego Calderon Charles University Stellar winds pump the heart of the Milky Way EN RML
174 2019/10/03 14:00-15:00 1236 Jason Rhodes Caltech/JPL WFIRST: Dark Energy and Exoplanets EN Yamada
173 2019/09/27 11:00-12:00 1639 Ryosuke Hirai Oxford The origin of Eta Carinae EN HY
172 2019/08/09 13:00-14:00 1537 Morio Toyoshima NICT Recent Trends of Space Laser Communications EN KI
171 2019/05/30 13:00-14:00 1539 Yutaro Enomoto University of Tokyo Current status of Large-Scale Cryogenic Gravitational-Wave Telescope KAGRA EN KI
170 2019/05/24 11:00-12:00 1639 Francois Pajot IRAP The X-ray microcalorimeter imaging spectrometer of the Athena mission: from the science requirements to the baseline instrument at beginning of the Preliminary Definition phase EN Yamasaki/MT
169 2019/04/25 11:00-12:00 1639 Samantha Stever IPMU Characterisation and modelling of the interaction between sub-Kelvin bolometric detectors and cosmic rays EN MT 7
168 2019/04/18 11:00-12:00 1639 Yoichi Yatsu TITECH 時間領域天文学を切り拓く超小型紫外線サーベイ衛星計画 JP MT 9
167 2019/04/16 11:00-12:00 1639 Shin Toriumi JAXA ISAS Observational and Numerical Approaches to the Flare-productive Sunspot Regions EN MT 10
166 2019/04/01 11:00-12:00 1639 Samaporn (Kaew) Tinyanont Caltech Insights into massive star explosions from infrared light EN RML 10
165 2019/01/31 11:00-12:00 1639 Mikio Morii The Institute of Statistical Mathematics データ科学的手法による天文データ解析 JP Sugawara/MT 9
164 2018/12/13 11:00-12:00 1639 Masaaki Sakano Wise Babel 「理にそった英作文、英語発表」 --- 筋立ての表現、主語、否定、冠詞 JP MT 13
163 2018/11/16 11:00-12:00 1639 Kenny Chun Yu Ng Weizmann Institute of Science Searching for Dark Matter with X-ray lines EN MT 8
162 2018/11/15 11:00-12:00 1639 Kawaguchi Toshihiro Onomichi City University Fast and Dense Outflow from Active Galactic Nuclei with High Gas Accretion Rates EN Nakagawa/MY 13
161 2018/11/09 15:00-16:00 1639 Kodai Yamamoto Kyoto U. Seimei 3.8 telescope: status and its instruments JP D. Suzuki/MY 12
160 2018/10/25 11:00-12:00 1257 Magnus Axelsson Stockholm University Breaking the spectral degeneracies in black hole binaries using rapid variability EN MT 5
159 2018/10/18 11:00-12:00 1257 Masaki Yamaguchi Konan U. 位置天文観測による高密度星同定ーX線連星・ガンマ線連星への応用 JP MT
158 2018/10/05 11:00-12:00 1134 Paul Plucinsky CfA, Harvard The Expansion of the Forward Shock of 1E 0102.2-7219 in X-rays EN HY
157 2018/09/13 11:00-12:00 1257 Masahiro Tsujimoto JAXA ISAS Suzaku and NuSTAR X-Ray Spectroscopy of gamma Cas and HD110432 EN HY
156 2018/09/06 11:00-12:00 1257 Stevanus Kristianto Nugloho Tohoku U. Characterization of Exoplanet Atmospheres using High-resolution Spectroscopy: Searching for TiO Signature in the Atmosphere of WASP-33b and HD 209458b EN Yamada/MY
155 2018/08/23 11:00-12:00 1257 M. Sugizaki Tokyo Institute of Technology Observational tests of accretion-driven spin-up/down process in X-ray binary pulsars with MAXI and Fermi/GBM data JP MT
154 2018/08/07 13:00-14:00 1639 Tatehiro Mihara RIKEN 中国初のX線天文衛星Insight HXMT JP MT
153 2018/07/19 11:00-12:00 1257 Dai Takei Rikkyo U./RIKEN Development of X-ray Waveguide at SPring-8 JP MT
152 2018/06/28 11:00-12:00 1257 Kenichiro Nagayoshi SRON Development of an X-ray transition edge sensor array for future X-ray observatories: device design and fabrication details JP Yamasaki/MT
151 2018/06/22 11:00-12:00 1639 Sara Turriziani RIKEN Active Galactic Nuclei in Modern Astronomy EN Ebisawa/MT
150 2018/06/21 11:00-12:00 1257 Toshiki Sato RIKEN X線観測で迫る若い Ia型超新星残骸の三次元的膨張構造 JP MT
149 2018/06/19 11:00-12:00 1639 Toshiya Ueta University of Denver Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey Plus (HerPlaNS+): Panchromatic Empirical Characterization and Comprehensive Dusty Photoionization Modeling of NGC6781, and beyond EN MY
148 2018/06/04 14:00-15:00 1639 John O'Meara St. Michael's Colledge Telling the Story of Life in the Universe: The LUVOIR Mission Concept EN Yamada/MY
147 2018/05/25 11:00-12:00 1639 Dimitri Veras University of Warwick The growing field of post-main-sequence exoplanetary science, with strong connections to the solar system EN Tasker/MT
146 2018/05/24 10:00-11:00 1257 Marcos Lopez-Caniego ESA The Planck Legacy Archive EN MT
145 2018/05/21 13:30-14:30 1134 Erin Kara UMd Mapping accretion and ejection in black holes EN MT
144 2018/05/17 11:00-12:00 1257 Takayuki Hayashi NASA/GSFC X-ray spectral modeling of magnetic cataclysmic variables EN MT
143 2018/03/29 11:00-12:00 1257 Ryota Tomaru JAXA ISAS X線連星における降着円盤風の放射流体シミュレーション JP MT
142 2018/03/09 15:00-16:00 1257 Tuneyoshi Kamae U of. Tokyo/SLAC Evidence for GeV Cosmic Rays from White Dwarfs in the Local Cosmic Ray Spectra and in the Gamma-ray Emissivity of the Inner Galaxy EN MT
141 2018/03/01 11:00-12:00 1257 Ken Osato U. of Tokyo Investigating Cluster Astrophysics and Cosmology with Cross-Correlation of tSZ and WL EN HI
140 2018/02/15 11:00-12:00 1134 Kohei Hayashi NAOJ The Galactic dwarf spheroidal galaxies as a constraint on dark matter particle EN MT
139 2018/02/09 11:00-12:00 1639 Katharine Robinson Lunar and Planetary Institute Heterogeneous Distribution of Water in the Moon EN Crites/MT
138 2018/02/08 11:00-12:00 1257 Yutaka Hirai NAOJ Enrichment of r-process elements in the Local Group galaxies EN Simionescu/MT
137 2018/01/25 11:00-12:00 1257 Liyi Gu RIKEN Progress on modeling collisional astrophysical plasmas EN MT
136 2018/01/18 11:00-12:00 1639 水本 岬希(海老沢研) 東京大 On the X-ray spectral variability in the Fe-K band of active galactic nuclei JP Ph.D. MT
135 2017/12/28 13:30-14:30 1639 Rei Enokiya Nagoya U. Molecular clouds in the Galactic Center EN MY
134 2017/12/28 11:00-12:00 1257 Hidetoshi Sano Nagoya U. Shock-cloud interaction in the young supernova remnants EN MY
133 2017/12/14 11:00-11:55 1134 Masaaki Sakano Wise Babel (理系の)英文コミュニケーション ― 履歴書から対レフェリー交渉迄 JP MT
132 2017/12/07 11:00-12:00 1834 Yi-Kuan Chiang Johns Hopkins University Which Galactic dust map should I use? Insights from extragalactic tomography EN Yamada/MY
131 2017/11/30 11:00-12:00 1134 Timothy J. Fagan Waseda U. Petrologic paths toward granitic rocks on the Moon: Some hints from Apollo 15 quartz monzodiorite (QMD) and NWA 773 clan meteorites EN Crites/MT
130 2017/10/26 11:00-12:00 1257 Takuma Izumi NAOJ ALMA observations of cold ISM toward AGN-host galaxies, near and far EN Nakagawa/MY
129 2017/10/05 13:30-14:30 1639 Mikako Matsuura Cardiff Herschel and ALMA findings of supernovae – dust, molecules and nuclear synthesis EN MY
128 2017/10/05 11:00-12:00 1257 Neal Turner JPL Starlight Reshapes Planetary Nurseries EN MT
127 2017/09/21 11:00-12:00 1257 Hans Böhringer MPE Cosmology and Cosmography with X-ray Galaxy Clusters EN Takahashi/MT
126 2017/08/31 11:00-12:00 1257 Yusuke Miyamato Nobeyama Observatory, NAOJ The ALMA view of nearby galaxies: Observations toward the central region of NGC 613 EN HI
125 2017/08/01 10:00-11:00 1537 Damian Audley SRON Optical Measurements of Prototype TES Bolometers for SAFARI EN Nakagawa/MT
124 2017/07/27 11:00-12:00 1257 Kazuhiro Sakai NASA GSFC Microwave multiplexed readout of 32 TES microcalorimeters toward large FOV high-resolution X-ray imaging spectrometers EN Yamasaki/MT
123 2017/07/20 11:00-12:00 1257 Ryosuke Itoh TITECH Time variability of optical polarized radiation from relativistic jets EN Inoue
122 2017/07/13 13:30-14:30 1639 Johannes G. Staguhn Johns Hopkins University The Origins Space Telescope (OST) EN MY
121 2017/07/13 11:00-12:00 1639 Yeon-Joo Lee JAXA ISAS Structure and its Temporal Variations of the Clouds of Venus EN Kwon/MT
120 2017/07/06 11:00-12:00 1257 Ryan Masami Lau Caltech High Energy, Cool Transients: Investigating Infrared-Luminous Outbursts with Spitzer EN Crites
119 2017/06/29 11:00-12:00 1639 Taiki Kawamuro NAOJ AGN nuclear structure investigated by broadband X-ray spectral analysis, and the relevance to the surrounding ionized gas EN Isobe/KM
118 2017/06/08 11:00-12:00 1257 Daisuke Suzuki JAXA ISAS The Exoplanet Mass Ratio Function from the MOA Microlensing Survey: Discovery of a Break and Likely Peak at a Neptune-Mass EN MY
117 2017/05/25 11:00-12:00 1257 Taiki Suzuki JAXA ISAS A Study on Evolution of N-bearing Complex Organic Molecules towards Glycine EN MY
116 2017/05/18 11:00-12:00 1134 Yutaka Hasegawa JAXA ISAS Development of 230 GHz VLBI receiver for GLT EN HI
115 2017/05/11 11:00-12:00 1257 K. Morokuma JAXA ISAS A new scaling relation of galaxies: molecular gas mass fraction vs 4000 A break strength EN MY
114 2017/04/20 11:00-12:00 1257 Yutaka Fujita Osaka U. Interpretations of Hitomi Results EN Inoue/MT
113 2017/04/13 11:00-12:00 1257 Tsuguo Aramaki SLAC Hunting for Dark Matter With SuperCDMS EN Fuke/MT
112 2017/03/23 11:00-12:00 1257 Shuji Matsuura Kwansei Gakuin Univ Cosmic Infrared Background with CIBER EN MY
111 2017/03/02 11:00-12:00 1639 Kei Sano JAXA ISAS Origin of the Diffuse Near-Infrared Radiation Observed with COBE/DIRBE JP Ph.D. YI
110 2017/02/23 11:00-12:00 1257 Hirofumi Noda Tohoku U. X-Ray and Optical Correlation of Type I Seyfert NGC 3516 Studied with Suzaku and Japanese Ground-based Telescopes EN MT
109 2017/02/09 11:00-12:00 1134 Koichiro Nakanishi NAOJ Dense ionized gas embedded with infant massive stellar clusters in the NGC 253 nuclear starburst EN MY
108 2017/02/02 11:00-12:00 1639 Natsuko Izumi NAOJ Star formation activity in the outer Galaxy EN MY
107 2017/01/23 14:00-15:00 1257 Masahiro Takada Kavli IPMU & UTIAS, The University of Tokyo Microlensing constraints on 10^{-10}Msun-scale primordial black holes from high-cadence observation of M31 with Hyper Suprime-Cam EN Mitsuda/YI
106 2017/01/12 11:00-12:00 1257 Qazuya Wada JAXA/ISAS Spectral Modeling of the Supersoft X-ray Sources with Monte Carlo Simulation JP Ph.D. MT
105 2016/12/22 11:00-12:00 1257 Kennichi Karatsu Delft University Next Generation Sub-mm Astronomical Instrument: DESHIMA, and its Laboratory Evaluation EN HI
104 2016/12/15 11:00-12:00 1257 Dave Bennett NASA GSFC Exoplanets and Dark Energy with NASA's WFIRST Mission EN Yamada/MT
103 2016/12/08 11:00-12:00 1257 Masaaki Sakano Wise Babel 論文英語ことはじめ - 分かる。伝わる。訴える。 JP MT
101 2016/11/24 11:00-12:00 1257 Martin Bucher Université Paris 7/CNRS, Paris, France Challenges to ultra-precision CMB polarization measurements to detect primordial gravitational waves from inflation EN TM
100 2016/11/17 11:00-12:00 1257 Annop Wongwathanarat RIKEN Linking 3D CCSN simulations with observations EN Herman/MT
99 2016/11/10 11:00-12:00 1257 Koichi Nagase JAXA ISAS Development of a cryogenic readout integrated circuit for the far-infrared astronomical image sensor EN MY
98 2016/10/27 11:00-12:00 1257 Daisuke Kaneko IPMU The final result of the MEG experiment, and the next stage EN HI
97 2016/10/20 11:00-12:00 1257 Tomohisa Kawashima NAOJ Super-critical accretion onto black holes and neutron stars: radiation hydrodynamic models for ultra-luminous X-ray sources EN YI
96 2016/10/13 11:00-12:00 1257 Shogo Kobayashi U. of Tokyo The nature of Ultra Luminous X-ray sources in X-ray observations EN YI
95 2016/09/29 11:00-12:00 1257 Atsushi Takada Kyoto U. Sub-MeV/MeV gamma-ray Imaging Loaded-on-balloon Experiment EN YI
94 2016/09/20 13:30-15:00 1639 Masahiro Takada Kavli-IPMU Neutrino and Cosmology EN Mitsuda/TM
93 2016/09/01 11:00-12:00 1257 Yuto Minami KEK Search for Supersymmetric Partners of Gluons in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV EN TM
92 2016/08/25 11:00-12:00 1134 Yasuharu Sugawara JAXA ISAS Stellar wind measurement using X-ray observations EN MT
91 2016/08/22 11:00-12:00 1257 Matteo Guainazzi JAXA ISAS Blowing in the wind: studying AGN feedback through X-ray spectroscopy of nuclear winds EN MT
90 2016/08/08 13:30-14:30 1639 Chris Packham University of Texas at San Antonio Future Observational Prospects at Thermal-IR Wavelengths & The AGN Torus EN Yamada/MY
89 2016/06/23 11:00-12:00 1257 Chris Done Durham The nature of the accretion flow in Active Galactic Nuclei EN PPT YI
88 2016/06/09 11:00-12:00 1257 Mitsuyoshi Yamagishi JAXA ISAS Systematic study of interstellar ices in nearby galaxies with the AKARI near-infrared spectroscopy EN MT
87 2016/06/02 11:00-12:00 1257 Hiroaki Imada JAXA ISAS How should we design and evaluate a radio telescope with a wide field of view? EN MT
86 2016/05/26 11:00-12:00 1134 Takashi Hasebe NAOJ Search for sub-eV particles via four-wave mixing with intense lasers EN TM
85 2016/05/19 11:00-12:00 1134 Jungmi Kwon JAXA ISAS Near-Infrared Linear and Circular Polarimetry in Star Forming Regions EN Nakagawa/MY
84 2016/04/28 11:00-12:00 1257 Norita Kawanaka U. Tokyo GeV-TeV Cosmic Ray Electrons/Positrons from Astrophysical Sources EN YI
83 2016/04/21 11:00-12:00 1236 Andreas Schulze IPMU The evolution of the mass functions of active SMBHs and their host galaxies out to z~2 EN YI
82 2016/02/18 11:00-12:00 1257 Toyoaki Suzuki JAXA ISAS Challenge to the development of ultra-low noise TES Bolometer Arrays aboard SPICA EN NO
81 2016/02/04 11:00-12:00 1134 Toshio Matsumoto JAXA ISAS The discovery of a dust belt beyond the orbit of Jupiter: A reanalysis of the Pioneer 10 and 11 data EN Nakagawa/YI
80 2016/01/28 11:00-12:00 1257 Toru Yamada JAXA/ISAS Protocluster at z=3.1 and Formation of Massive Galaxies EN NO
79 2016/01/21 11:00-12:00 1257 Teruaki Enoto Kyoto U Diversity of neutron stars and strongest magnet magnetars EN YI
78 2016/01/19 11:00-12:00 1236 Peter Kretschmar ESA Stellar Winds in Massive X-ray Binaries EN PDF MG
77 2015/12/15 11:00-12:00 2F big meeting room Masaaki Sakano Wise Babel ここがヘンだよ日本人論文英語 - その傾向と対策 JP Maeda/YI
76 2015/12/10 11:00-12:00 1134 Kazuhiro Sakai JAXA ISAS Development of Frequency-Division Multiplexing Readout System for Large-Format TES X-Ray Microcalorimeter Arrays EN Maeda
75 2015/12/08 11:00-12:00 1134 Herve Buoy ESAC Cosmography of OB stars in the solar neighbourhood EN Guainazzi/YI
74 2015/12/03 11:00-12:00 1257 Yasunobu Uchiyama Rikkyo Toward Understanding the Origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays EN YI
73 2015/12/01 11:00-12:00 1134 Michal Ostrowski Jagiellonian University VHE gamma-ray astrophysics and a Polish contribution to the CTA project EN Stawarz/MT
72 2015/11/26 11:00-12:00 1257 Alex Kusenko UCLA/Kavli IPMU Searching for dark matter with X-ray telescopes EN YI
71 2015/10/15 11:00-12:00 1257 Romanus Eze University of Nigeria, Nsukka The 6.7 keV Emission line from Stars and the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission EN MT
70 2015/10/08 11:00-12:00 1257 Matteo Guainazzi JAXA ISAS X-ray variability as a ruler for Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) EN PDF YI
69 2015/09/17 11:00-12:00 1134 Yuji Chinone UC Berkeley The Current Status of Ground-based CMB experiment POLARBEAR, and its Future Synergy with Satellite LiteBIRD EN TM
68 2015/08/31 16:00-17:00 1257 Ayuki Kamada University of California, Riverside Galactic Rotation Curves with Dark Matter Self-Interactions EN Mitsuda/YI
67 2015/08/18 13:30-14:30 1257 N. Yamasaki JAXA ISAS A Search for a keV Signature of Radiatively Decaying Dark Matter with Suzaku XIS and Future Missions EN TM
66 2015/08/06 11:00-12:00 1108 Shutaro Ueda JAXA ISAS Luminous Supermassive Black Holes in the Brightest Cluster Galaxies EN MT
65 2015/07/30 11:00-12:00 1134 Francesco Tombesi NASA GSFC Accretion disk winds in active galactic nuclei: X-ray observations, models and feedback EN Odaka/YI
64 2015/07/16 11:00-12:00 1257 Koichi Hagino JAXA ISAS Probing the Structure of Ultra-fast Outflows in Active Galactic Nuclei with X-ray Spectroscopy EN MT
61 2015/06/18 11:00-12:00 1134 Koji Imai JAXA ISAS SMILES observations of mesospheric ozone during the solar eclipse JP MT
60 2015/06/11 11:00-12:00 1134 Shinsuke Takasao Kyoto U. What can we learn from waves generated in solar flares? Toward a comprehensive understanding of stellar flares JP YI
59 2015/06/04 11:00-12:00 1134 Misaki Mizumoto JAXA ISAS Short-time X-ray Spectral Variation of Black-hole Binary GRS 1915+105 EN MT
58 2015/05/28 11:00-12:00 1134 Georgiana Ogrean CfA, Harvard A Multiwavelength View of the HST Frontier Fields Clusters EN Simionescu/NO
57 2015/05/21 11:00-12:00 1237 Megumi Shidatsu RIKEN Wide-band X-ray Studies of Inner Disc Structure in Galactic Black Hole Binaries EN YI
56 2015/05/08 13:00-14:00 1257 Masahiro Takada IPMU Detection of universality of dark matter profile from Subaru weak lensing measurements of 50 massive clusters EN Mitsuda
55 2015/05/07 11:00-12:00 1257 Kentaro Asano JAXA ISAS Ground Based 30um band Imaging Observation of Bipolar PNe EN NO
54 2015/04/16 11:00-12:00 1257 Shu Koyama JAXA ISAS X-ray Study of the Accretion Disk of the Black hole LMC X-1 EN MT
53 2015/04/13 11:00-12:00 1204 Ludovic Montier NRS, IRAP, Toulouse, France The Planck Catalogue of Galactic Cold Clumps EN TM
52 2015/04/09 11:00-12:00 1257 Yoshiyuki Inoue JAXA ISAS Cosmic Gamma-ray Background Radiation EN MT
51 2015/04/03 11:00-12:00 1639 Chihiro Kouch U. of Tokyo Development of Far-Infrared Image Sensor with Silicon-supported Germanium JP Master Nakagawa/NO
50 2015/04/02 11:00-12:00 1257 Ken Ebisawa JAXA ISAS Origin of the Spectral Variation and Seemingly Broad Iron Line Feature in Seyfert Galaxies EN YI
49 2015/03/13 09:30-10:30 1639 Takuji Yamashita Titech Molecular Gas and Star Formation along the Merger Sequence in Luminous Infrared Galaxies JP Ph.D. Nakagawa/NO
48 2015/03/06 09:30-10:30 1606 Shuhei Koyama Titech A study of (U)LIRGs activity at z~0.2 using AKARI far-IR photometric data JP Master Nakagawa/NO
47 2015/03/05 11:00-12:00 1257 Irina Zhuravleva Stanford Turbulent heating in the X-ray brightest galaxy clusters EN Simionescue/YI
46 2015/03/05 09:30-10:30 1432 Ko Arimatsu U. of Tokyo A study on extrasolar cometary source populations with the AKARI far-infrared all-sky survey JP Ph.D. Nakagawa/NO
45 2015/02/27 09:30-10:30 1639 Chihiro Kouch U. of Tokyo Development of Far-Infrared Image Sensor with Silicon-supported Germanium JP Master Nakagawa/NO
44 2015/02/26 11:00-12:00 1236 Saku Tsuneta JAXA ISAS (Director) What could Hinode results tell us about cosmic magnetic fields? EN YI
43 2015/02/20 11:00-12:00 1639 Ryota Nihei U. of Tokyo Interaction of Electiric Waves with Electrons in Semiconductor Quantum Wells JP Ph.D. Nakagawa/NO
42 2015/02/19 11:00-12:00 1257 Shigeo Kimura Osaka U. High energy particles in hot accretion flows: the effects on dynamical structure and neutrino emission EN YI
41 2015/02/12 11:00-12:00 1257 Chris Pearson RAL (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) How Herschel changed the Universe! EN NO
40 2014/12/25 11:00-12:00 1134 Daisuke Nagai Yale Cosmology and Astrophysics with Galaxy Clusters EN YI
39 2014/12/22 11:00-12:00 1134 Shunsaku Horiuchi Virginia Tech Searches and constraints of sterile neutrino dark matter EN YI
38 2014/12/18 11:00-12:00 1134 Akimasa Kataoka Tokyo Institute of Technology Planetesimal formation via fluffy dust aggregates EN YI
37 2014/12/16 11:00-12:00 1639 Mikako Matsuura UCL Herschel and ALMA find supernovae as dust factories EN Yamamura
36 2014/12/11 11:00-12:00 1257 Kiyoto Yabe NAOJ The chemical evolution of star-forming galaxies revealed by Subaru/FMOS EN YI
35 2014/12/04 11:00-12:00 1257 Hiroaki Sameshima ISAS Chemical evolution of the Universe traced by quasar emission lines EN MT
34 2014/11/27 11:00-12:00 1257 Denis Burgarella LAM, France Studying the cosmic star formation history at z ~ 3-4 and beyond EN Matsuhara/NO
33 2014/11/21 11:00-12:00 1257 Anton Dorodnitsyn NASA/GSFC Toward first principle modeling of AGN accretion and winds EN YI
32 2014/11/20 11:00-12:00 1257 Toshihiro Kawaguchi NAOJ Relics of Galaxy Merging: Radio (and X-ray) Emission from Wandering Massive Black Holes EN Sameshima/
31 2014/11/13 11:00-12:00 1257 Yujin E. Nakagawa ISAS X-ray Observations of Magnetar Emissions EN MT
30 2014/11/10 11:00-12:00 1257 Veronique Buat LAN Dust attenuation in the universe: the UV and the IR point of view EN Matsuhara/NO
29 2014/11/06 11:00-12:00 1257 Luigi Costamante University of Perugia Some Problems with Blazars EN Kangulyan/YI
28 2014/10/30 11:00-12:00 1257 Dmitry Malyshev Stanford Morphology and spectrum of the Fermi bubbles EN Stawarz/TBA
27 2014/10/28 16:30-17:30 1639 Jacques Delabrouille APC, Univ Paris 7 Recent Planck results and the future of CMB observations EN Matsumura/YI
26 2014/10/28 13:30-14:30 1134 Andrey Timokhin NASA Radio pulsars - amazing pair plasma guns. EN Kangulyan/YI
25 2014/10/23 11:00-12:00 1134 Takafumi Ootsubo U. of Tokyo Small solar system bodies as seen with AKARI EN NO
24 2014/10/21 11:00-12:00 1257 David Valls-Gabaud LERMA, Observatoire de Paris The MESSIER satellite: unveiling galaxy formation EN NO
23 2014/10/16 11:00-12:00 1236 Maria Dainotti RIKEN An intrinsic luminosity-time correlation in X-ray afterglows: study of selection effects due to redshift evolution, implications for cosmology and for theoretical models EN H. Lee/TBA
22 2014/10/09 11:00-12:00 TBA Yoshiki Matsuoka Nagoya U. Let It Roar: Supermassive Black Holes at the Heart of Galaxies EN YI
21 2014/10/03 13:30-14:30 1639 Woong-Seob Jeong KASI Large Area Imaging Surveys of Near-Infrared Sky with MIRIS EN NO
20 2014/10/03 09:30-10:30 1639 Jammie Bock Caltech BICEP2 Results on B-mode Plarization of CMB EN NO
19 2014/09/18 11:00-12:00 1134 Hiroki Akamatsu SRON Toward understanding of particle acceleration in clusters of galaxies: Suzaku X-ray observations of radio relics EN YI
18 2014/09/04 11:00-12:00 1134 Takafumi Shimizu UEC Dynamical evolution and high-energy radiation of mixed-morphology supernova remnants EN YI
17 2014/08/21 11:00-12:00 1134 Shinya Nakashima ISAS Past activities and outflows of our Galactic center EN YI
16 2014/07/31 11:00-12:00 1257 Yasuo Doi U. of Tokyo AKARI FIR All-Sky Maps EN NO
15 2014/07/17 11:00-12:00 1134 Massimo Cappi INAF/IASF Bologna Ultra Fast Outflows (aka UFOs) in AGNs and their impact to Feedback EN Stawarz/MT
14 2014/07/03 11:00-12:00 1134 Claudio Ricci Kyoto U. X-ray reflection features as a probe of the structure and evolution of circumnuclear material in Active Galactic Nuclei EN YI
13 2014/06/30 11:00-12:00 1257 Devendra K. Ojha Tata Institute of Fundamental Research The Episodic Accretion in Young Low Mass Stars EN MT
12 2014/06/26 11:00-12:00 1134 Kohei Ichikawa Kyoto U. Infrared studies of obscuring dust properties around supermassive black holes EN YI
11 2014/06/19 11:00-12:00 1257 Herman Lee ISAS Deciphering Multi-wavelength Phenomena of Supernova Remnants through Numerical Modeling EN YI
10 2014/06/18 11:00-12:00 1257 Kazushi Sakamoto ASIAA Molceaular Outflow from Centers of galaxies: Resent results EN Nakagawa/NO
9 2014/06/12 11:00-12:00 1134 Takuma Matsumoto ISAS Connecting the Sun and the solar wind EN K-S.L
8 2014/06/05 11:00-12:00 1134 Mariko Nomura NAOJ Radiation Hydrodynamic Simulations of Line-Driven Disk Wind in Active Galactic Nuclei EN MT
7 2014/05/29 11:00-12:00 1257 Satoru Katsuda ISAS High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of supernova remnants EN MT
6 2014/05/22 11:00-12:00 1257 Tomotake Matsumura ISAS LiteBIRD: Probing the inflationary B-mode using the cosmic microwave background polarization from the space EN YI
5 2014/05/15 11:00-12:00 1134 Takayuki Saito Kyoto U. Pulsars in high energy gamma-rays EN YI
4 2014/05/08 11:00-12:00 1134 Yusei Koyama ISAS Tracking down the environmental impacts on the star formation main sequence out to z>2 EN NO
3 2014/04/24 11:00-12:00 1257 Yasuyuki Tanaka Hiroshima U. Constraints on Extragalactic Background Light and Intergalactic Magnetic Field using Fermi blazars EN YI
2 2014/04/15 11:00-12:00 1257 Kengo Tomida Princeton University Radiation Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Protostellar Collapse: Low-Metallicity Environments EN YI
1 2014/04/01 11:00-12:00 1236 Mitchell C. Begelman University of Colorado What Can Tidal Disruption Events Teach Us About Black Hole Accretion? EN YI

1. [P for presentation file.]