The dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) in the Milky Way are ideal sites in the indirect searches for particle dark matter. To set robust constraints on candidate dark matter particles, understanding the dark halo structure of these systems is of substantial importance. However, there are three major crucial uncertainties of estimation of their dark halo structures. (1) Non-sphericity of dark halo (2) Effects of contaminations from the Galactic halo stars (3) Velocity anisotropy of dSph’s stars In order to address these issues and to obtain more reliable and realistic limits on dark halo structures, we construct new dynamical models with taking into account the effects of non-sphericity and contamination. In this talk, I present the effect of these uncertainties on estimates of dark halo structures in the dSphs and the constraints on dark matter particles for the case of their annihilation. I also show that Prime Focus Spectrograph mounted on Subaru telescope will play an important role in getting an insight into the nature of dark matter particles by synergy with space telescopes. Moreover, I would like to propose and discuss the synergy between our dynamical analysis for dSphs and the future X-ray observation (XARM) to obtain robust limits on decaying dark matter such as sterile neutrinos.