Understanding the properties of obscuring material in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is crucial for comprehending the feeding and feedback mechanisms of AGNs. The unified model of AGNs suggests the presence of a parsec-scale dusty "torus" surrounding the accreting supermassive black hole. Recent observations using high-angular-resolution infrared (IR) interferometry or single-dish observations have shown that an extended mid-IR component in nearby AGNs is elongated in the polar direction on scales of 1-100 parsecs, challenging the simplistic understanding of AGN environments. In this study, we present a systematic broadband X-ray spectral analysis of nearby AGNs using the X-ray clumpy torus model (XCLUMPY). This is the largest sample whose X-ray and IR spectra are analyzed by the clumpy torus models XCLUMPY and CLUMPY. The results show that the torus covering factor, determined from the X-ray torus parameters, follows a trend previously found through statistical analysis, indicating that radiation pressure expels dusty gas at high Eddington ratios. The findings also reveal that the torus angular widths determined from the IR data are larger than those from the X-ray data, and that the ratios of hydrogen column density to extinction (N_H/A_V) in obscured AGNs are similar to the Galactic value on average, while unobscured AGNs show smaller N_H/A_V ratios. These findings are consistent with an updated unified picture of AGN structure that includes a dusty torus, dusty polar outflows, and dust-free gas, where the inclination determines the X-ray and optical classifications and observed torus properties in the X-ray and IR bands. We also construct an IR spectral energy distribution (SED) model from clumpy tori and polar dust based on our findings. Our model well reproduces the nuclear IR SEDs of all objects by fixing the torus angular width and inclination angle at the values determined by the X-ray spectra. The polar component is not necessary for objects with low Eddington ratios (< 2.5; NGC 7674, NGC 2110, and Centaurus A). This result indicates that the polar dust is not formed in low Eddington ratio objects and is consistent with the idea that polar dust originates from dusty outflows driven by radiation pressure.