Among many physical processes involved in star formation, radiation transfer is one of the key processes since it dominantly controls the thermodynamics. Because metallicities control opacities, they are one of the important environmental parameters which affect star formation processes. In this talk, I will report the results of 3D radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations of protostellar collapse in solar-metallicity and low-metallicity ($Z = 0.1 Z_\odot$) environments. Because radiation cooling in high density gas is more effective in the low-metallicity environments, first cores are colder and have lower entropies. As a result, first cores are smaller, less massive and have shorter lifetimes in the low-metallicity clouds. Therefore, first cores would be less likely to be found in low-metallicity star forming clouds. This also implies that first cores tend to be more gravitationally unstable and susceptible to fragmentation. The evolution and structure of protostellar cores formed after the second collapse weakly depend on metallicities in the spherical and magnetized models despite the large difference in the metallicities. On the other hand, the effects of different metallicities are more significant in the rotating models without magnetic fields, because they evolve slower than other models and therefore more affected by radiation cooling.