about one week before the colloquium.
A sample message can be generated by using this script.
) ./seminar_compose.sh 2018 07 19
To: astro_colloq*ml.ac.jaxa.jp
Title: Colloquium: Jul 19 (Thu) 11:00@1257 --- Development of X-ray Waveguide at SPring-8 (Dai Takei)
Dear all,
You are kindly invited to join us on the ISAS Astrophysics Colloquium below.
Speaker : Dai Takei (Rikkyo U./RIKEN)
Date : 2018/07/19 (Thu) 11:00-12:00
Place : 1257 (Bldg-newA 2F Meeting room A)
Host : Masahiro Tsujimoto
Webpage: https://www.isas.jaxa.jp/home/astro_colloq/
Please reply to "tsujimot*astro.isas.jaxa.jp" if you would like to meet with the speaker.
Looking forward to seeing you at the talk.
Best regards,
Masahiro Tsujimoto
Title: Development of X-ray Waveguide at SPring-8