国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)とオランダ宇宙研究所(SRON)は、宇宙科学・探査における両機関の協力を確認し、平成30年10月5日、在東京オランダ王国大使館にて、イングリット・ファン=エンゲルスホーフェン オランダ教育・文化・科学大臣およびアルト・ヤコビ 駐日オランダ大使臨席のもと、JAXA 國中 均理事とSRON レンス・ヴァータース所長により、共同声明への署名を行いました。





JAXA 理事・宇宙科学研究所長 國中 均
SRON 所長 レンス・ヴァータース

Joint Statement by SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency on Space Exploration on Coordinated Development of Missions in the Domain of High-energy and Low-energy Astrophysics

• SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research (hereinafter referred to as SRON), and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (hereinafter referred to as ISAS/JAXA) (referred to collectively as the 'Parties' or individually as a 'Party') agreed on October 28th, 2009 by the framework agency agreement called "Agreement between Institute of space and astronautical science of Japan Aerospace exploration agency and Netherlands Institute for Space Research on Cooperation in the field of space research for peaceful purposes", hereinafter "Framework Agreement" to cooperate with the purpose to strengthen their common research in astrophysics for peaceful purposes.

• This resulted in an intense collaboration of SRON and ISAS/JAXA with an emphasis on the high-energy domain (X-rays) and the low-energy domain (IR and submm), hereinafter the "Field".

• The future of this Field depends critically on strong collaborations between international partners. With a number of upcoming missions, SRON and ISAS/JAXA wish to confirm and further specify their partnership in this Field and agree that they wish to collaborate to strengthen knowledge in the Field by:

 - Combined efforts to consider potential cooperation on the hardware for approved missions
 - Combined efforts to propose and design missions for future implementation
 - Combined efforts to develop critical technology for future missions

• Parties wish to lay down their intentions to collaborate in the certain areas in this joint statement, hereinafter "Statement"


Article 1 Collaborative areas:

Parties have expressed the wish to collaborate on the following three areas for collaboration which are:

1. Hardware collaboration: SRON , as part of the European (ESA) contribution to the X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM), which will be agreed between ESA and JAXA in a separate agreement, makes effort to coordinate the delivery of the filter wheel for the Resolve instrument on XRISM. In addition, SRON participates and contributes to the related scientific preparation.

Similarly, JAXA and SRON make effort to cooperate, in the context of the collaboration between JAXA and ESA, with the aim of realizing the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) on the Athena mission which has been selected by ESA for a launch in 2030/2031.

2. Study of proposed missions: SRON and ISAS/JAXA collaborate during the phase A of the SPICA mission, a joint effort between ESA and JAXA as part of the ESA's 5th call for medium class missions with an anticipated launch date in the early 2030s. Other future opportunities could be considered as well (e.g. superDIOS, LiteBird, ..)

3. Development of critical technology: SRON and ISAS/JAXA agree to study collaboration in the development of the next generation hardware in these fields at a level which is appropriate for the state of the field (e.g. relevant detector technology). This collaboration may include the exchange of knowledge or the exchange of hardware to evaluate its performance by both parties.

Article 2 Collaboration:
To review the status of this collaboration at appropriate times (once per two years) discussions (exchange of information, data, software and ...) between representatives of SRON and ISAS/JAXA will be initiated, alternating in Japan and in the Netherlands.

The exchange of personnel is a part of this cooperation. In order to facilitate such visits, Parties have the intention that they cooperate in good faith to arrange formalities such as working permits for the visiting personnel of the other Party where needed.

While collaborating on the specified areas, both Parties are responsible for their own activities and carry these out at their own risk.

Whereas this Statement identifies the areas where Parties expect to collaborate, this does not limit any of the parties to be engaged with other partners in the same field.

In witness hereof this Statement has been signed on 5 October 2018 at the Dutch Embassy in Tokyo as noted below:

Prof. dr. L.B.F.M. WatersDr. Hitoshi Kuninaka
Institute Director, SRONDirector General, ISAS/JAXA


・オランダ宇宙科学研究所(以下「SRON」という)及び、宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所(以下「JAXA/ISAS」という)(以下、集合的に「両当事者」、個別に「当事者」という)は、宇宙物理学における平和目的の共同研究の強化を目指した協力のため、2009年10月28日付で、包括協定「平和利用による宇宙研究分野に関する宇宙航空研究開発機構とオランダ宇宙研究所との間の協力協定」を締結した。






第1条 協力の領域


1. ハードウェア協力:

同様に、JAXAとSRONは JAXAとESAの協力の枠組みの中で、2030年/2031年打ち上げ予定としてESAに選定されたAthenaミッション搭載のX線カロリメータ(X-IFU)の実現を目的として協力する。

SRONとJAXA/ISASは、ESA-JAXA協働のSPICAミッションのフェーズA段階で協力する。SPICAミッションは、2030年代打ち上げを想定したESAのMクラス5号機の候補の1つ。その他の将来ミッションも検討される。(例:superDIOS, LiteBird)


第2条 協力





L.B.F.M Waters國中 均