NASA Amesのお膝元である、カリフォルニア州サンタクララで開催された国際惑星探査プローブ会議 IPPW2022に参加しました。日本からは、MMXに関する講演、ソフトシェルヒートシールド技術開発において観測ロケット実験機会を活用した結果に関する講演等がありました。
(写真上) 会場の様子。「MMXの話、面白かったよ。」「ありがとうございます、それはよかったです。」
The International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW2022) was held this year at the home of NASA Ames in Santa Clara, California. From Japan, there were lectures from the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission team, and the results from sounding rocket experiments to test the development of soft-shell heat shield technology.
(Top Photo) A scene from the workshop venue. "The Story of MMX was interesting!", "Thank you, that was good!"
Due to the 16 hour time difference between California and Japan, the online meeting started at 10am JST and 6pm local time. For these times, stocking up on food for our rooms from a nearby shopping mall and stores came in handy.
Palm trees stood out against the blue skies of California. The weather was nice the whole time.
Not only was the weather fine, but the venue was packed with the atmosphere of science and engineering collaboration, full of positive vibes such as "we need to make these observations to advance planetary science, so let's do our best to make that happen"! There was a good balance of discussion and concept studies, design results, numerical modelling, and verification through hands-on experiments in experimental facilities and in the field. Likely energized by recent developments in Europe and the US, Venusian scientists also made the strong claim that "if we want to understand the Earth in the overall context of planet formation theory, we have to understand Venus properly to draw any comparison."
会議の中日には、NASA Ames研究所の見学ツアーも開催されました。はやぶさからMMXまで、サンプル帰還カプセルの試験は、日本国内の設備でのものに加えて、ここの大型アークジェット風洞にお世話になっています。また、研究所の脇を通るハイウェイからは、大型のハンガーがよく見えて、かつ、タンクにはNASAのロゴが大きく描かれているので、「ん?おおーっ。ここ、NASAじゃん。」となります。そういった設備を解説付きで見学させてくれるというものです(もちろん、セキュリティへの配慮はあり、事前にパスポートコピー提出が求められました)。
In the middle of the workshop, a tour was offered of the NASA Ames Institute. In addition to testing in facilities in Japan, we have been extremely pleased to use the large arc-jet wind tunnel at Ames for testing the sample return capsules from the Hayabusa mission through to MMX. The large hangers are clearly visible from the highway that passes by the institute, with the NASA logo emblazoned on the tanks that makes you think, "Hmm? Wow! This is NASA!". We were able to take a guided tour of these facilities (of course, with security precautions including submitted a copy of our passports in advance).
As our return flight was at 11am on September 3, we thought we would be able to share in the atmosphere just before the launch of Artemis 1 with the crowds at the airport (after obtaining the negative PCR test needed to return to Japan: this will not be necessary after September 7). However, the launch was postponed, so we missed out on that opportunity!