「のしろ銀河フェスティバル 2022」が、8月13日・14日に秋田県能代市で開催されました。
能代ロケット実験場では、「エンジン燃焼実験展示」、「宇宙学校 スペシャル」、「みんなで挑戦!どんな力をつければ宇宙飛行士になれるのかな?」を実施しました。子どもから大人まで多くの方々が来場し、宇宙に親しんでいただきました。

The "Noshiro Galaxy Festival 2022" was held on August 13th and 14th in Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture. At the Noshiro Rocket Testing Center, the "Combustion Engine Experiment Exhibition", "Space School Special", and "Everyone's up for the Challenge! What kind of skills do you need to become an astronaut?" were held and many people, from children to adults, came to the exhibition to discover new facts about the Universe.


Visitors observing the combustion engine experiment exhibition.


The instructor answered everyone's questions during the "Space School Special".


During the "Everyone's up for the Challenge! What kind of skill do you need to become an astronaut?", it was impressive to see the children tackling the challenges in this corner.
