(1) ロングイェールビーンからニーオーレスンへ出発。小さな飛行機に荷物を倉庫内で積み込み、うっすらと凍った滑走路から離陸です。
Departure from Longyearbyen to Ny-Ålesund. The luggage was loaded onto a small plane in the warehouse before take-off from the slightly frozen runway.
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(1) ロングイェールビーンからニーオーレスンへ出発。小さな飛行機に荷物を倉庫内で積み込み、うっすらと凍った滑走路から離陸です。
Departure from Longyearbyen to Ny-Ålesund. The luggage was loaded onto a small plane in the warehouse before take-off from the slightly frozen runway.