NASAが主導する「国際お月見ナイト ー世界のみんなと月を見上げよう!ー」に関連するイベントが10月9日に相模原市立博物館に於いて2部構成で開催されました。
On October 9, the Sagamihara City Museum hosted a two-part event as part of the NASA-led "International Observe the Moon Night 2022".
The first part of the event considered how much we know about the Moon now, and what we would like to learn in the future. Three JAXA researchers discussed these topics and what we have discovered from JAXA's lunar exploration.
(Top photo: Even during the breaks, questions from the participants were welcomed.From right, Professor Saiki, Professor Mori and Professor Yoshimitsu take on the tough questions from audience members! )
A hopping mobile robot for the Lunar surface named LEV that will be onboard SLIM spacecraft.
Unfortunately, the Moon-viewing event that was scheduled for the second part of the program was cancelled due to rain. However, the program was changed to a Moon quiz and a craft session where the participants could make paper moons!
宇宙教育センター提供の月球儀ペーパークラフト (写真: ©️相模原市立博物館)
The Moon globe paper craft material was provided by the JAXA Space Education Center. (Photo : ©️Sagamihara City Museum)