(3) ロケットは正常に飛翔し、打上げから490秒後、ロケット実験場の南南西海上に落下しました。
The rocket flew normally and 490 seconds after launch, fell into the sea south-southwest of the rocket test site.
(4) 宿舎の共用室での一コマ。打ち上げ成功でやれやれとなった後に極夜が本格化し、メンタル的にしんどい場面も。後発隊は突発的に17m/sの風が吹く中での15名乗りの小型機で現地出発でした。撮影:増田純一(JAXA)
Celebrating the successful launch of the sounding rocket SS-520-3 in the common room of the accommodation building where the team stayed for about a month.The polar nights lengthened during the stay and once the launch was done, a few of our team felt mentally exhausted. We took off from Ny-Ålesund under strong wind conditions of a maximum of 17 m/s. Photo: MASUDA Junichi (JAXA)