去る2月14日〜16日に JAXAキュレーション施設では、NASAジョンソン宇宙センター (以降JSC, https://www.nasa.gov/johnson/) のキュレーショングループのスタッフと、NASAのコントラクターであり、NASAのキュレーションの作業・施設設計・管理の大部分を担っているJACOBSのスタッフの訪問・見学を受け入れました。JSCでは「はやぶさ2」が持ち帰った小惑星リュウグウ試料とOSIRIS-RExが持ち帰った小惑星ベンヌ試料を取り扱っています。NASAとJET II 契約を結んだ、JACOBS科学探査部門長のGlenn Ellis氏と共に、科学探査部門長代理の Daniel Garrison氏、施設技術長のJeffrey McQuillan氏、「はやぶさ2」及びOSIRIS-REx試料キュレーション・ラボリーダーのRachel Funk氏の計4名のJACOBSスタッフが JSC「はやぶさ2」帰還試料キュレーターのChristopher Snead氏に伴われて来訪しました。現在、JSCでは火星サンプルリターン設備の建設中で、来訪したスタッフはJAXAキュレーション施設を見学したのち、帰還試料の取り扱いやキュレーション技術について議論を行いました。
On February 14 - 16, the JAXA curation facility welcomed guests from the curation facility at the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC, https://www.nasa.gov/johnson/), and NASA's contractor Jacobs, who are involved in a large portion of the astromaterials sample processing, facility construction and overall management at the JSC curation facility. Samples from both asteroid Ryugu returned by the Hayabusa2 mission, and asteroid Bennu from the NASA OSIRIS-REx mission, are being studied at JSC. Director of Science and Exploration for the Jacobs JETS II contract with NASA, Glenn Ellis, visited JAXA along with Deputy Director of Science and Exploration Daniel Garrison, Chief Facilities Engineer Jeffrey McQuillan, and curator and laboratory lead for the Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx sample, Rachel Funk, accompanied by JSC Hayabusa2 sample curator Christopher Snead. Currently, JSC is in the process of constructing the facility for the Mars Sample Return (MSR) program, and the teams toured the JAXA facilities and discussed sample processing and curation techniques.
The information exchange during this visit was also a valuable resource for JAXA curators, who are developing the curation techniques and facilities for receiving the OSIRIS-REx sample from NASA JSC later this year.
(Photo: In front of the clean room of the JAXA curation facility.)