Apr 28, 2016Spacecraft
AKATSUKI onboard instruments to move to regular operation
Operation Plan of X-ray Astronomy Satellite ASTRO-H (Hitomi)
Mar 27, 2016Spacecraft
Communication anomaly of X-ray Astronomy Satellite "Hitomi" (ASTRO-H)
Mar 23, 2016Spacecraft
Solar Wind Induces Jupiter's X-ray Aurora
Mar 14, 2016Spacecraft
Eclipse on 9 March 2016: public release of images and videos taken by the "Hinode" satellite
Feb 29, 2016Spacecraft
X-ray Astronomy Satellite "Hitomi" (ASTRO-H) Completion of Critical Operation Phase
Feb 18, 2016Spacecraft
X-ray Astronomy Satellite "Hitomi" (ASTRO-H) Orbit Calculation Result
Feb 17, 2016Spacecraft
X-ray Astronomy Satellite (ASTRO-H) Solar Array Paddles Deployment and Name Decided
Feb 10, 2016Spacecraft
Mystery of Puzzling Temperature Distribution in the Venusian Polar Regions
Dec 18, 2015Spacecraft
Akatsuki's IR2 successfully visualizes fine-scale undulations of Venus clouds!
Dec 15, 2015Spacecraft
Antarctica and surroundings imaged by HAYABUSA2
Dec 14, 2015Spacecraft
Hayabusa2 Earth Swing-by Result
Dec 11, 2015Spacecraft
Launch of X-ray Astronomy Satellite "ASTRO-H" by H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 30
Dec 9, 2015Spacecraft
Venus Climate Orbiter "AKATSUKI" Inserted Into Venus' Orbit
Oct 23, 2015Spacecraft
Suzaku satellite reveals the average chemical composition of our Universe on the largest scales to be the same as that of our Sun
Oct 9, 2015Spacecraft
Hayabusa2's target asteroid is now named (162173) Ryugu!
Aug 28, 2015Spacecraft
Hinode, IRIS, and ATERUI Cooperate on 70 year old Solar Mystery: Magnetically driven resonance helps heat the Sun's atmosphere![more details]
Hinode, IRIS, and ATERUI Cooperate on 70 year old Solar Mystery: Magnetically driven resonance helps heat the Sun's atmosphere!